UP-TO-DATE SEQUEL, as of 1/18/2021;
See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQzBYvZ_Ao | Proper instructions for launching the shuttle are also provided in that video’s description.
Managed to get inside a space shuttle and launch it in the process, in the Natural Disaster Survival map “Launch Land”.
You’ll see there are a total of 3 buttons pressed in the video – you don’t need to press them in any order, as there isn’t any specific sequence. However, getting a friend to press them for you while you’re in the space shuttle is definitely preferred. A balloon may be necessary for this if you’re planning on pressing every button on your own and going solo with the space shuttle launch.
There may be difficulty sitting in the control seats at the very front (the only seats you can launch the space shuttle from via red button).
UP-TO-DATE SEQUEL, as of 1/18/2021;
See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QQzBYvZ_Ao | Proper instructions for launching the shuttle are also provided in that video's description.
wow this was 3 years ago
Epic video
Why is there a thruster on the fuel tank
I remember mine didn't stop flying until the next round when the ship just disappeared
External Tank: Shoot fire
Astronomer fan: Wait, That Super illegal
I try to do it all the time and only yesterday did it work
if fire hitted the rocket it would be PANIKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Imagine the fire started in the rocket and it went with you
Bye-bye survivors Space shuttle:
pretty boring ngl
there's a thruster on the fuel tank
do they last forever?
They should make it were you can go to the moon on the rocket and the low gravity is bassically if you were hopping around with a balloon
Piggy piggy
The flight is keep going its good I survived….
It’s propelled by bodythrust in studio but it’s so imbalanced, that’s why it fails most of the time.
Launch a rocket
Lauch a rocket
he's long gone
Not safe to the rocket
no hablo ingles
I CAN do it its ez like him -_- I always do that
Who check the discord? 0:15
how do you press them on console?
Did anyone else come here from searching Apollo 13?
I was in game and somebody launched it an I was like
“You can do that”
can he win?
Lmao I'm gonna commit challenger 1982
Message to SkyLimited: nobody gives a shit
That’s a space shuttle. Not a rocket.
(edit: fixed pres to press)
Flying a rocket that is been retired and put into the museum
Cap:I'm gonna put this thing in the water
The rocket will explore the world
And he die:/
I always die when I get inside of it
Too infinity and BEYOND!!
hi alert mono i love all ur vid and i subs and pls watch my video in natsu dragneel acc pls like and subs thanks sa uulitin
One time I did it but it went up and we died
oh so you dont go to the moon? I always thought that 🙁
step 1. press the button on the top of the tower
step 2. press the button inside the space shuttle.
step 3. press the two buttons in the tower thing to release the rocket
thats how you launch it i try to do that, but people dont really know how (im not saying you dont know how)