Spread The Viralist

The following video contains various scary, paranormal, and frightening horror stories that will make you not want to fall asleep. Thank you for watching this 1-hour long video compilation on the paranormal.

This video contains several steals regarding the glitch in the matrix phenomenon. This includes such things as timeslips, repeating events that happened once before, and other strange activities. Are these stories pure science fiction or 100% real?

~ Zombie Hoodoo, Thunder Dreams, Long Note Two, & Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100167
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
video footage: videoblocks
photos Pixabay.com

check out our site: https://paranormalrising.com/


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About the Author: Paranormal Rising


  1. I have very nice beings around me. I enjoy this and the warmth and security it creates for me. Recently, I so the smokey shape in bed where my cat who would sleep me would sorta lead me up and would sit guard at night. It is very nice I hope she waits for me or whatever makes her happy.

  2. To the army person. Sometimes a soldier will stay behind and do battle with evil entities. However, you might want a clairvoyant to go to the place and see if he needs to be moved on. Maybe, he's hanging around. You should, for his sake, try.

  3. Perhaps the Hexham heads phenomena were caused by people believing the heads were cursed/haunted and therefore experiencing what they expected, whether real or imagined? Interesting story anyway.

  4. I adored this episode, I had a tough day t work. I got into bed and tuned into this episode. Your voice chilled me out so much I fell asleep and I kissed most of the episode so I had to rewatch again! Love the hour long episodes. The story of the ghost apparition was so interesting. I have witnessed apparitions in the past. I am a big believer. Thank you so much. Amazing episode. Can't wait for your next video. Steven.❤✌🏻

  5. PR is my favorite YouTube channel. There's a couple others that do Reddit stores, but this is my favorite & I'm always excited 2 c another posted. Ty PR for putting time & effort into these videos. You seem 2 b the best @ it & I hope u continue 2 make more😁

  6. Oh no! Just burst out laughing the first story! The dead neighbour standing at the bottom of the bed wearing suspenders.. He lost his stockings too! ? Hahaha

  7. Fun fact about Ouija boards: They were made as toys to take advantage of the Spiritualist church craze at the end of the 1800s. They basically evolved from someone babbling nonsense while writing to a board with simple answers multiple people could interact with. In fact, Hasbro still sells them.

  8. I got involved with a narcissist woman. She was absolutely evil. I would have left but for the state of Stockholm syndrome, but not sympathetic, more prisonery. Anyway she died from being a complete 24 hour a day drunk. When she died, she stopped in to see me before moving on. Obvious to me, anyway. She was nothing but a pure black outline of an ugly demonic soul. She was pure evil. Her true self showed, flat out.

  9. So this is crazy bc yesterday I literally made a post (on a different channel) about my experience w a Ouija board!
    Me n a friend made one out of a pizza box and despite knowing about them and other types of divination, I slightly didn't think one made out of a box we just ate from would work…..man oh man was I wrong!
    It wasted no time answering questions and I had always something that followed me (this is 8 years ago) so I asked exactly who or what it was….it proceeded to spell out it was an 8 year old girl that was attached to me and then started to go in circles so fast and then began spelling out that I was going to die!!
    We stopped instantly (after saying goodbye) and the moment we turned the lights on, I had 3 giant scratches going up my forearm!! I was sick to my stomach!
    Over the next few days it got even crazier at my place! My friends parents black cat would stare at my closed door and hiss and growl and the density in that room was so unbearable I slept w the lights on!
    Amongst many other strange and freaky things that occurred, long story short, within a little over a week from first playing the board, I had moved out and went back to my old ways which resulted in me overdosing and actually dying in the ER but luckily the doctor didn't give up and have me a third shot of narc and used the defibrillator on me! I only remember my eyes opening and me screaming that I couldn't breath and not knowing where I was bc last I remembered I was in someone's bathroom! I didn't fully wake tho and was then in a coma for three next 3 days……
    So was that a warning or guidance or what?? All I know is my outlook is way different on everything, I don't use substances that'll kill me and I dedicated the past 3+ years learning and studying divinity and my pov is much much different now!
    Just be careful, if u go looking for trouble it'll def find u! But if u have a pure heart w good intentions, then that's all what you'll contact!
    Ouija board isn't evil, in my opinion, it's a guide and can be used for pure divine, but like I said, it's all in there eyes of the beholder!
    Blessings all ✌️

  10. 12:29 ots 515am right now and I walk my dog every morning like I am st thr moment, and I always think about something like that happening to me. But being female, it's even more frightening that it could be a real person ready to attack

  11. I can totally relate to the last story of sleep paralysis. I’ve suffered from that for at least 3 decades. In the last few years, I too have gotten cocky about it. lol. It doesn’t happen that often anymore in the last few years. I too have gotten cocky about it. lol. My conclusion is that while in the subconscious state, the wind is actually our souls going through wormholes if that makes sense to anyone. We are traveling from one destination to another even though nothing may seem visually out of place. I think the “shadows” or auditory noises are us being at a frequency in that moment where we can see and hear entities in other dimensions. Knowing that naturally in human 3D form, one would initially be scared shitless, the paralysis is to keep us from doing physical harm to the body while in that subconscious state. Over the years, I started trying to master the exact moment that I go from conscious reality to that subconscious sleep paralysis state. I wouldn’t suggest it to anyone but if you try to stay awake as long as you can and fight sleep, there is that period right in between that struggle where people who suffer from sleep paralysis can analyze the situation if they remain calm.

  12. The half man half sheep are most likely real. They are called chimeras. Quiet as kept, they’ve been experimenting to make a successful one for at least over a century. In ancient times, especially in parts of Africa, the higher beings had animal heads with human bodies.

  13. In the 1st story, the deceased neighbor simply wanted to see someone he cared about. It may have not been a big deal to the little boy but his company obviously meant a lot to the old man. It’s common for those that have passed into the next realm to come back and visit someone they care about. My brother came back shortly after he passed to see my son when he was little.

  14. This is the only channel that I consistently love every story you share. Thank you for actually only sharing the stories worth listening to instead of adding crappy ones to keep the video going. Your definitely my favorite channel for these topics. I especially enjoy the glitch in the matrix and alien/ufo videos. The couple other channels I know of that share those topics just aren't worth the listen.

  15. When I was 19, my wife &I got into car accident& she died. I've told a few stories about it& here's another. I was in the hospital &Wendys parents took care of the burial. At the funeral bc I caused the accident my inlaws used her maiden name on the marker instead of my last name. It ripped my heart out& a few months later my sister&me were using a Quija board to talk to Wendy& it spelled out to ''change the stone''. It took a year but I did buy another marker& never used a Quija board again.

  16. Perfect timing, I’ve been scrolling down almost to your first videos, trying to find some I haven’t heard before craving some new stories. Thanks for all your hard work! My ADHD usually has me skip around and my “favorite” YouTube channels change pretty often but this channel is by far my favorite consistently.

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