Imagine you’re on your way somewhere when suddenly you see an animal that needs your help. Could you just walk right by? If not, then this video is for you. Today we’re going to show you the most incredible examples of when Animals Asked People For Help and people answered the call! This is definitely going to restore your faith in humanity…
For copyright matters and any suggestions be welcome at: copyrightmadlab@gmail.com
we might of helped them but we caused some of them. But well done to all the people who saved them and hope they live there life just how they want to
I rescued a goldfish from a crow. The crow snuck up on a little boy who had a bag of french fires who then stole a fry from the boy and flew over to the nearby pond and swished the fry in the pond to lure a goldfish which worked catching the goldfish and the crow then flew over to a nearby bench to ear the fish. Upon observing this with some astonishment, I quickly ran to the bench to rescued the goldfish returning it to it's pond while holding it gently in my hand until it was able to swim away.
kindness is not an act its a reflection of ones soul ..bless these folks
why are you blurring the chanel’s on the side of the screens
13:29 srilanka
10:51 its srilanka im srilankan
I went down a rabbit hole watching these videos for an hour at work! lol. I LOVE HAPPY ENDINGS!!
Aww that skinny dog so grateful
i love these videos
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the Igu Verse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
2:27 but then they wonder why animals are starving
I kill cats with dogs
I actually Saved a wild cat without even realizing it was a wild cat.
Hello! I'm interested in the Igu Verse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
My favorite is the snake on the sticky pad.
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you! Lets go help animals!!!
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!*
Hello! I'm interested in the IguVerse project and I think that it would be great if you could collaborate! They are making a gaming project where people will share 1 percent (or more!) of their in-game income with animal welfare organizations. I think that they could be great help to you!
Hello, there is now a new crypto project IGUverse, they are engaged in charity for animals, it would be great if you could contact them
Helping animals that are in trouble, this requires people who have high social skills to help.
Love these videos
That poor horse
had Lamminitis and it's owners didn't care about it 

Можу показати як насправді виглядає "хороший руский", у нас їх на Україні уже близько 50 тис.=)
It's a different time of year. You need to set goals and take bold steps to achieve them. Remember that success does not happen overnight. You just have to stop procrastinate and try what you have always wanted, improve your life and well-being, investment property will take you to your dreams.
Everyone: Saving puppies and kittens
Indians: Saving elephants and crocodiles
There have been a few times where I’ve been on my way to work in summer. And I’ve seen a dog or cat and it’s was incredibly hot so I emptied my water bottle into a plastic container so they could stay hydrated
Ok, The people that did not help the animals need serious therapy.
Thankyou kind people.
These people are super kind
This is soo sad
12:50 The Fahrenheit caption should be -40, same as Celsius.
It's printed 104°F, which is +40 C.
[If it's autogenerated, changing the voiceover to "minus 40" might help.]
At 8:40 reminded me when I rescued my dog Bruce. He was over 30 lbs underweight, covered in fleas and ticks, and his back legs were messed up. Got him to a healthy weight and he started using his legs more, except when company was over. He wanted the pity lol it was challenging but well worth having him as a dog for 6 years. He was beautiful, sweet, and deserving of life. Thanks for coming into my life Brucey baby, RIP
7:38 my man did the cristiano ranoldo suwi
That elephant raising its trunk is so moving