Our heroes end up in Skabatha’s tree house of horrors… for a long time…
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Postal Address:
Viva La Dirt League
PO Box 41378
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Auckland 1440
If Ben was kind to creatures, he would inherently, just let the moth go out a window or something 😂😂
Please, tell me what song start while they watch the burning tree (at 6:12:00)
Hamish crying about not getting his money?
Sounds like the average day.
I hope they put the mask of mystery on the doll..
I really enjoy rewatching these!
You know, we should really take a second and consider how lucky Ben is. He has the worse die rolls, fails a majority of his checks, and gets knocked out a lot. However, he is still alive. That is luck, anywhere else, he might be on his 5th character by now.
I can't believe the ridiculous joy I get from rewatching the whole campaign every time a new supercut comes out
Ohhhhh though it was a new one but just a clips show LOL
Shiny Math Math Click Clacks
(My new favorite saying)
Patiently waiting for "mummy….mummy" 😂
i am waiting for the doll to show up while they are fighting the jaberwock…. lololololol "Mommy!"
What battle map book does Rob use? I want to buy it.
"Garlic goes with almost anything. :)"
For a moment there I thought it was Thursday and I got excited, I can't wait!
Does this mean it's over ? Nooooo
I wonder what happened to what's it
i wonder how many below average rolls bob would get with that bag of dice
6hrs of pure enjoyment.
Thank you🍻
I remember not liking this session when they were releasing the individual episodes and stopped watching. Let's see how it goes all in one
Not my favourite of sessions, to be honest, but it still has some great gems in it. Hope you enjoy it.
What app do you guys use for your character-seet
Thank you for putting these out. I love these supercuts.
Yes! Another supercut to re-enjoy!
I've been waiting for mooooonnnnnttttths!
I don’t care that I’m rewatching, this is just too much fun
VLDL DnD: The Return of BOB
Still two days until episode 108
I am excitement! Didn't expect this to be out for a while.
There's something beautiful about a table session where everything goes wrong. I swear I'm not a sadist…
THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH for putting these super-cuts out!
Comment to help with the algorithm
perfect for my 11 hour flight 😍
Damnnnnnnnnnn the entire season