Incredible Flash Floods Caught On Camera
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Looks like the earth is cleaning up the mess that people made.
@4:31 "Childrens" were held in school late… 😳
That place in Ladakh is in India's Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan. It's called Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir (POK). Indian government is planning to get it back very soon. Beautiful place.
How's that barrel rolling in front of that Mud Flow. Fuckin Hilarious😂🤣👍🏽🐢
If you are stupid enough to cut down the trees that naturally filter the water, then you have destroyed the natural defences.
John 6:28 "Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? 29Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." Jesus the Messiah died for the remission of sin, including yours, was buried, and rose form the dead 3 days later. If you simply believe in Jesus to save you, then you have everlasting life. John 8:18 "I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me."
Your video is rendered unwatchable by your needless narration. Just show the videos, you don't need to supply a play-by-play. It's pretty obvious what's happening!
Flagstaff is not in the center of Arizona. It is north of the center just as Phoenix is south of the center.
Of course, my home state of Texas has to show its a$$. Completely avoidable situation, but let's yeehaw it instead. Way to represent.
Even the DIRT ran away.
Freedom is ruining the planet. When we all kill ourselves the planet will be safe…
Ladak is a part of India and not in Blochistan as the person making the video has said by mistake
Why repeat the same videos over and over?
Guard your kids parents. Idiot bus driver behind the wheel.
I like the barrel leading the flood in chile
Nice to see the good religious folk putting their two bobs worth in!
In Japan they call them frash froods.
bouncing Arizona barren desert area
If I remember right the storm surge from Katrina had already gone by New Orleans. But it came out I believe in court some government agency was caught blowing up the flood walls claiming they were saving the city by blowing up the walls.
the levees were not built right due to the eico nuts suing the city to prevent them from being built. most of the deaths were not from the storm but due to the gangs and reg folk being forced in to a sports area, and the doors were lock so none could get out. as there was NO police in there.
I’m glad he said the driver is likely done driving school buses.
Man made prevention lol man is deluded God is in control and y’all think y’all are , God shakes his head when will they learn
Flagstaff is northern Arizona, Phoenix is in the middle of the state 3 hours south of Flagstaff. It's high in the mountain, not desert at all. FYI.
I live in Big sky in Montana (no to far from west gate of Yellowstone) that flooding was F ing crazy… Some roads won't be used again
Where are the flood swales that feed into several ponds? Sounds third world.
Follow Africa and China's green belt lead in water retention to minimise flooding.
Just ensure Climate Bill funds are NOT stolen by fraudsters like the Covid funding was.
the world does not belong to noone paranoic politician or schizoprenic rich man……….don't forget this NEVER…………..the NATURE IS THE REAL B O S S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………………….🤫💫💦✊💖>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
From Allaah's caliph, Al-Mahdi (Arabic: المهديّ, The Guided One)
to Joe Biden, the President of America and Xi Jinping, the President of China, along with all the leaders in the worlds and their peoples altogether … Be witnesses against yourselves and your peoples that I have told you, 16 years ago, that your world has ended, your end has come, and the time for your judgment has neared, yet you are heedlessly turning away. Also, I have let you know that I am Al-Mahdi; Allaah's caliph on you. The Owner of Sovereignty (Allaah) Has Chosen me, the One Who Gives sovereignty to whom He Wills and Takes sovereignty away from whom He Wills. And Who Honors whom He Wills and Humbles whom He Wills. That is Allaah my Lord and your Lord so worship Him alone no partners with Him. And obey me to guide you to the way of Allaah the Almighty, the Praiseworthy, with insight from Him which is the Great Quran that was revealed by Allaah to the seal of the prophets and messengers the illiterate prophet Mohammed, the messenger of Allaah, with the Great Quran, for people altogether; so they worship Allaah alone no partners with Him, the One who has never taken a wife nor a son, and there is none comparable unto Him
O Muslims, Christians, Jews, and atheists along with people altogether, I bear witness to Allaah that I informed you of the Planet of Torment [A.K.A Nibiru] which was deep in the northern space of planet Earth and has started to approach your land from a place far-off. Certainly, it will rise upon you from the horizons of the south of the earth, and it will block the southern horizon of it when it [the planet of torment] rises, as per precisely and meticulously described; from the southeastern side to the southwestern side. Thereupon, it sends upon those who disobey Allaah, and the enemies of His messengers and His caliph Al-Mahdi, flames of fire and copper. Verily, I do not say about Allaah anything but the truth, and who is more unjust than he who fabricates lies against Allaah? And, I seek refuge in Allaah to be of the ignorants or those who say about Allaah that which they do not know
I bear witness to Allaah the One, the Overpowering that I, Allaah's caliph, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, announce the absolute disbelief in the theory of global warming. And I have given you a ruling, 16 years ago, that if the worlds turn away from the call of Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, Allaah will declare war against them through the war of the skirmish of the Planet of Torment (Also known as Nibiru/Saqar) from a place far-off. It has become much closer than it was 16 years and a couple of months ago, and it is now skirmishing with the Sun, Moon, and Earth. As a result, Allaah has Raised the intensity of the calamity of His climatic war by air, land, and sea; in addition to, the torment of somewhat [like] a gnat [Arabic:بعوضة, Romanized: Ba'ouda] about which you encompass no knowledge. O children of Adam, the so-called Coronavirus is the ba'ouda of the blood and is not Corona. But, smart living beings that have been prepared through Allaah's Words of Power [the Word "be" so it is], and live on their own in land, sea, and air
Verily, Coronavirus is of the calamities of the lesser torment that perhaps the worlds may turn to Allaah in repentance, believe in Allaah alone no partners with Him, worship Him alone no partners Has He, and obey Allaah and His caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, but unfortunately, Allaah's lesser torment has not increased you, until now, except denial of Allaah Lord of the worlds, as if Allaah is not anything to be mentioned, Glorified and highly Exalted is He above what they associate with Him. It is as if you are the controllers over the kingdom of the heavens and earth by claiming that you will stop the calamity of Allaah's climatic war
Exalted is Hebut I swear by Allaah that you cannot control the tiniest soldiers of Allaah (the blood gnat and its species altogether) in the Qur'an. Furthermore, your quarantines will not benefit you from now on, as at the beginning, the virus was content with locking you up and eliminating your livelihoods, or do you think that you will go back to your quarantines and lockdowns so that Allaah lessens the intensity of the virus from upon you, in return, like what had happened before?!And I had previously issued a ruling to you that the war of the blood gnat (the so-called Corona) is directly conducted by Allaah, it receives orders from its Lord, so they do what they are commanded. And I give you tidings that your vaccines will completely fail and be worthless, and you will throw them in the trash, because simply you will never find a saviour to save you from Allaah’s torment nor a protector.
However, if you really want the solution that shall save you from the calamity of Allaah's climatic war and the calamity of the war of Allaah's soldiers; the blood gnat; the so-called Corona, then obey Allaah and His caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. And respond to the caller of Allaah who invites you to worship Allaah alone no partners with Him; with insight from Allaah, which is the Great Quran, so call no one else with Him!! In addition, whoever worships another God besides Allaah let him call upon him to remove the evil of corona from upon him, if he should be truthful! Indeed, neither Allaah's prophets nor Imams (Arabic:إمام, leaders) of the Book and Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi would not benefit you whatsoever, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:
{قُلِ ادْعُوا الَّذِينَ زَعَمْتُم مِّن دُونِهِ فَلَا يَمْلِكُونَ كَشْفَ الضُّرِّ عَنكُمْ وَلَا تَحْوِيلًا ﴿٥٦﴾ أُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ يَبْتَغُونَ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِمُ الْوَسِيلَةَ أَيُّهُمْ أَقْرَبُ وَيَرْجُونَ رَحْمَتَهُ وَيَخَافُونَ عَذَابَهُ ۚ إِنَّ عَذَابَ رَبِّكَ كَانَ مَحْذُورًا ﴿٥٧﴾ وَإِن مِّن قَرْيَةٍ إِلَّا نَحْنُ مُهْلِكُوهَا قَبْلَ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ أَوْ مُعَذِّبُوهَا عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا ۚ كَانَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْكِتَابِ مَسْطُورًا ﴿٥٨
﴾} [الإسراء]
{Say, "Invoke those you have claimed [as gods] besides Him, for they do not possess the [ability for] removal of adversity from you or [for its] transfer [to someone else]." (56) Those whom they invoke seek Al-Waseela* to their Lord, [striving as to] which of them would be nearest, and they hope for His mercy and fear His punishment. Indeed, the punishment of your Lord is ever feared. (57) And there is no city but that We will destroy it before the Day of Resurrection or punish it with severe punishment. That has ever been inscribed in the Book (58)} 17:56-58
*Translator's note: (Waseelah) is a proper noun. It is translated as (The Means) —The Means (Al – Waseelah) is the name of the highest rank in Paradise that shall be obtained by one of Allah’s servants only, who will be the nearest servant to Allah, according to Hadeeth from prophet Mohammad PBUH. Meaning: (They seek to reach the highest rank (called The Means) which of them would be the nearest to Allah)
Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani
24- Dhu'l Hijja – 1442AH
03- 08- 2021 AD
11:28 AM
(According to the official time of [Mecca] Mother of Towns)
📍To read the full statement in clear and coordinated font kindly visit the official website of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, mahdialuma .com or google its title:
(The Solution For the Calamity of The Corona War and the Climate War)
Less talking please
Xi open the dam? hummm… well teach the People to protest his banking practices….
A note about the flood in New Orleans….anybody who would build a city below sea level in a storm zone then fill it with Dim-ocrats is a genius.
A whole channel dependent on stolen videos from other sites with garbage narration
1. You are using someone else’s video without permission, 2. What the fuck you know about geography?! 3. If you are doing this to piss off india, then most probably you will be pissed off soon.
With a lot of these so called natural floods especially in china they are brought on by sub standard construction of dams in China there have been many dams that have failed and washed away villages and much more, all the wile being called flash floods. And also these “flash floods’’ happen when the dams open up all of their gates and down stream is destroyed but this is never one of the reasons given by the legacy media