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The biker is upset because the car driver cut him off. After that, he gets into road rage, and we know that road rage always goes badly and can easily turn into a street fight.
The life of a biker is not easy, they experience close calls, near pass, crashes, quarrel with bad drivers.

In this motovlog you can see other road rages 2022 situations that fall under real public freakouts compilation.
Check out this interesting Motovlog .
In this episode you can see many interesting details:
Motorcycle crashes, Public freakouts , bad drivers, collisions explained in order to educate drivers, near miss, road rage 2022.

All scenes that could disturb the audience in any way are blurred!!!

This video is of an educational nature and I will do my best to explain dangerous situations in traffic to you in the best way and to try to make you better people and better drivers.
I hope you like the video and subscribe to the channel

This work is protected under US Copyright Law [Fair Use Clause].
Clips featured in the following video are intended for educational
purposes. The commentary on each clip solidifies
and clearly portrays my intent of teaching my
viewers to be better drivers as well as express my
take on what happens in the clip.


Check out this channels and subscribe:

#RoadRage2022 #WhenBikersFightBack #WhenRoadRageGoesWrong


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About the Author: Moto Universe


  1. The mom in the end of this clip in my opinion is 100% correct!!
    She was brave enough to explain why she was upset and what she was afraid off. Even though you young guys think you are immortals. She was right, 100%!!
    The reaction of the biker/guy filming was chilidish and immature and says enough about the biker group.
    The bikers in this clip are all about me me me, I I I, ….

  2. It's actually legal to type messages while driving as long as the phone is mounted on the dash in the allowed area. Idiot bikers! Learn the law and quit trying to think you're superior!

  3. If only the uneducated whiners who have never ridden a bike would shut their mouths about riding situations that they donโ€™t understand. You come to a motorcycle channel and then complain about bikers ๐Ÿค”

  4. That is definitely not right in the first clip with the trucker. If I was you and your buddies I would pull into the side of the road and calm down.Then would just let him go ahead for five minutes or so. You all looked like you's were driving too fast.

  5. 0:45 "swerving, occupying both lanes, preventing from overtake" … I bet that is exactly what bikers were doing moments before what recording is showing us. Typical behaviour of such groups – road is ours, we can control traffic, nobody can overtake us, …

  6. Didn't strider run through a red light and throw his hands up at someone that did the same thing? These shits make me laugh more than feel bad for bikers, they're in the wrong most of the time. And by "most" I mean 95%.

  7. good percentage of truck drivers are riders themselves or have many friends who ride, how come the beginning, what set him off not published???…I'd like to see what set him off

  8. This first one is just stupid. If someone in a big truck is driving stupid get away from them. Don't complain about how bad they are driving while following them . Then trying to drive next to him. The biker was the stupid one in that

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