Caught on Cam: Disturbing driving near B.C. school bus

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School bus drivers raise the alarm after a number of near misses involving careless drivers.

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  1. I gotta be honest, I didnt know I was supposed to stop if I was at a 4 way intersection and turning into the opposite lane. I was just taught not to overpass a school bus

  2. Well… Given its America the solution is quite easy for once šŸ¤£ just pass a law to enable school bus drivers to pull a gun out and hold up traffic if anyone tries to overtake a stopped school bus.

  3. This happened to me when I was in kindergarten. I had just gotten off the bus and was walking across the road to my daycare when all of a sudden a car came speeding down the road. Luckily someone nearby saw and yelled for me to jump out of the way. I may not be alive today if it wasnā€™t for that person who witnessed what had happened. When my mom found out, she tried to get information from the bus driver and from the person who witnessed it, and tried to get help to figure out whoā€™s car it was and make sure that they were stopped. But no one would help, no one would listen. Any other incident like that would be in the news, but mine was never. They refused, never even tried to look into what happened and Iā€™m not really sure why. And Iā€™m not sure who it was, but whoever yelled for me to get off the road, thank you so,so much for saving me <3

  4. Should just be a department of the police that does go with each school bus to enforce these laws and protect the youth and future. It not a matter if it can be done, it has to be done.

  5. I know this came out six years ago, but this is crazy. What will it take? For the bus to open giant wings to block all cars on both sides of the road?

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