Better late than never
Malenia video within the next week (probably)
If you would like to hire me as an editor my email is theofficialbentz@gmail.com
Subscribe to Northernlion on Twitch and YouTube:
Twitch: twitch.tv/Northernlion
YouTube: youtube.com/user/Northernlion
songs used in the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4x1oeYp0XQ – Margit fight 7:35
https://youtu.be/LnlnXN6syX8 – Crucible and Misbegotten 24:27
#northernlion #twitch #eldenring
Malenia video coming within the next week
wow, really good edits on this.
27:02 holy shit this entire segment had me in actual tears. NASTY
I'm with NL – not a big fan of the Radahn fight. It's a cool spectacle, but in terms of playing it it's not great. You either summon a bunch of dudes which makes the fight feel cheap, abuse horse mechanics, or fight normally in a pretty unsatifying unfair feeling fight.
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH THANK YOU!!! I hope you're getting paid, if not reach out to NL, I bet he would pay to upload these vids to his personal channel instead of to yours, but it's just an idea
This edit must have taken you so damn long, big props to you!
The editing on this video is just fantastic, wow!
21:43 lmao
The way my brain autocompleted this as “melon armor”…
53:44 the editing brought this bit from an 8.5 to a perfect 10, I'm crying
Great editing. Thanks for the content!
I feel like people generally love this game and I am happy for them but I really didn't like it. I do enjoy watching streamers struggle though.
I felt like they ruined something that made the dark souls games special. They went for volume and I don't think it was the right thing for a game like this. Besides a few tutorial bosses or easy ones thrown in the boss fights are great pacers for challenging a player and seeing what cracks they have in their armor. It is often what makes the grind and eventual success so satisfying you challenge yourself against a hurdle and feel accomplished. I'm sure elden ring has many great and challenging bosses but they became hard to recognize. At that point you had been challenged to boss fights by so many knight on horse clones, tree boss clones, or dragons that a boss fight stopped meaning much of anything anymore. It was common, often boring and easy, and the overall experience cheapened. I just lost interest half way through, the grind in this game is more for item or map discovery rather than overcoming boss fights. I don't even consider myself a good souls player. I played this game doing almost no armor, light rolling uchikatana and every time they made a big deal leading up to a major boss I either 1-5 shot it or went crazy trying to dodge everything and that was probably 5 fights out a 100 bosses. I would pay for them to remove 90% of the boss fight encounters and sell me the core game where you get the main 20-30 story fights and their areas because that is probably a killer game. I find cellphone idle games more interesting to play
Great work man! Awesome vid!
Thank you for this hit
"Who's Marika?"
10/10 playthrough. Also, Marika? I barely even know her.
Unironiucally a great off rip Margin Call plot summary – also good video
"It wouldn't be a modern souls game if there wasn't a baddie pregnant with a spider" is such a perfect quote
53:50 Holy shit the callback Kevin Spacey joke has me dying
The holographic meatloaf sound when the dragon glitched out was perfect
“Beware Bloodloss therefore try Rump” this one did it for me
That George r r Martin white was underrated
beautiful video thanks a lot for making this.
Thank you for the NL pogicity sire.
Great edit man. Keep em coming
Great editing