SUPER TYPHOON claims 10 lives in South KoreašŸ”“ Floods in FrancešŸ”“WHAT HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 6-7, 2022?

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On the ā€œRAGE OF THE EARTHā€ channel, you can watch videos of extreme weather events from all over the world.
Subscribe to the channel to be informed about all the natural disasters that are happening on the planet.

In todayā€™s episode:

Typhoon #Hinnamnor hits #Busan and #Pohang cities, and the island of #Jeju

The #MooseFire is raging northwest of #Salmon in #Idaho

A landslide in #Kasika village of #Kasese District

Flooding in parts of #Chemnitz in #Saxony

Tthe #FairviewFire near #Hemet in Southern #California

Typhoon Hinnamnor hits the #Primorsky region

Floods in the cities of #Nimes and #Montpellier in the #Occitania region

Floods in #Bangkok and provinces of #PathumThani and #Nonthaburi

#storm #snowstorm #earthquake #flood #landslide #tornado #asteroid #snow #hail #avalanche #disasters #naturaldisasters #hailstorm #extremeweather #winds #tormenta #flooding #hurricane #fire #wildfire #lluvia #chuva #inundaciones #blizzard #locusts #volcano #volcaniceruption #tropicalcyclone #latestnews #sinkholes #rains #iceberg #eruption #lava #sandstorm #ŪŒŲ®Ł…ŁˆŲ³Ł… #duststorm #extremeflooding #Š¢Š°Š¹Ń„ŃƒŠ½ #ķƒœķ’ #Š½Š°Š²Š¾Š“Š½ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ #ķ™ģˆ˜ #ąø™ą¹‰ąø³ąø—ą¹ˆąø§ąø” #Hochwasser #inondation #orage #Unwetter #maporomokoyaardhi


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About the Author: -THE RAGE OF THE EARTH-


  1. This info is fyi only. One of these topics may help someone.

    All true insight is given to me by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!



    The way natural disaster and weather works is by the hand of God and or His powerful Angels says the Holy Bible and other ancient books such as the Book of Enoch.

    Most people can relate to this truth,
    however, Demonic Angels are rogue in every way,

    and they may choose to unleash the fury of a personal vendetta upon you, and or your loved ones, and or an entire community by way of sudden destruction by flash flood, low level hurricane, f1-f3 tornado, water spout, sinkhole, explosion, meteor, or by other creative exploits.

    No one would be the wiser to their treachery, but only think the individual(s) has a case of bad luck!




    There is a Tsunami Tidal Wave prophesied for the east coast!

    The Lord God has told me in my spirit that the ENTIRE east coast (USA) will be destroyed and or underwater!

    This will be due to the Canary Islands La Palma and Iceland's volcanoes,
    erupting and exploding into the Atlantic Ocean!

    God revealed to me that this Tsunami Tidal Wave event causes the events described in Revelation Chapter 8:6-9 (The 7th Seal).

    This Tsunami Tidal Wave is also depicted on US $50 & $100 bills currency,
    just as 911 was depicted on the $20 dollar bill BEFORE the event happened!

    You can see a variety of YouTube videos for complete instructions on how to fold US paper currency to reveal hidden images like the 1941 Pearl Harbor Attack, OK City Bombing, 911, and the Upcoming New York City/ East Coast Tsunami Tidal Wave!!!

    This Tsunami Tidal Wave image is also on:
    Illuminati Playing Cards
    The Simpson's Canary Islands episode
    I, Pet Goat 2
    Written of in Novels
    Featured in Comic Books
    Displayed in Music Videos
    Featured Storylines in many blockbuster Movies
    The Storyline in Video Games like Secret Files

    and many other places as well!

    God warns us in many ways, but God also requires the evil, powerful, and magical Demonic Realm all around us to warn as well.

    However, Evil usually does this in the form of make believe, or in jest
    like in movies, videos, documentaries, video games, sitcoms, novels, and the like!

    The La Palma Island volcano is now splitting.
    The Icelandic Volcanoes are boiling as well.

    It is said when these volcanoes explode, their pieces will plunge
    into the Atlantic with great force, then major water displacement will occur!

    This will create a Tidal Wave/ Tsunami that will destroy New York City
    and the entire East Coast of America!!!

    This Tsunami Tidal Wave will also drown all neighboring states to the north and south!
    Areas down to, and including, the entire state of Florida, with all its nearby islands will be underwater!!!

    You can visit then plug in 100-200 meters high wave
    to see how your particular area may fair if you are situated on the east coast.

    This link, at the 0.30 second mark, shows recent volcanic eruptions not seen on most network news channels.
    Melkeb's YT Channel ā€“
    Most Dangerous YT Channel ā€“
    Mary Greeley News YT Channel ā€“




    The Mark of the Beast is a new form of BIRTH CONTROL!
    It is a small round patch with 16 tiny holes that form a square
    at the center of that round patch.
    This patch adheres to the skin, then fillers within this patch penetrate the epidermis and enters our bloodstream as it changes the DNA of our bodies!
    *We humans should not take this Mark
    for it will ensure Hell for our souls!
    *Nor should we bow down to worship anyone or anything,
    for this too will ensure our souls to be delivered to Hell.
    We are to worship God aka Jesus Christ only!

    Please pray about what has been written here.
    Ask Christ to save your soul by His atoning blood,
    and or how to move from harm's way.

    Please, if you are reading this I believe it is by divine intervention.
    Perhaps it's not for you, but someone you know,
    or perhaps you have the power to warn many through your resources and or friends.

    Thank you for reading this.

  2. LET BLACK PEOPLE ALONE and this PLANET will be GOOD. They have called upon the FORCES and ELEMENTS of NATURE to help them get from UNDER the YOKE of this WORLD and it's INALIENABLE inhabitants and so those FORCES, along with the SUN has heard their CRIESā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

  3. Elon Musk has the solution to live on Mars,and your so-called scientists has the solution to all the problems, let them save you. With those fake leaders and elites whose aims and ambitions are oppress,steal and kill their own people,where are they all, with their degrees from America, London and whatever,and why can't they save the planet ? The time of the False Prophets is here,and we will all see if their gods of gold for which they shed the blood of innocent billions,will save them !

  4. Yup, people are worshiping human flesh/the fake Queen instead of worshiping the sun of God, Oh it going to get rough for mankind, resting days and living lavishly life styles is over for all the new norm is suffering for all that reside on this planet, hmm how long did Satan oppressed God children??

  5. We are the end times of the world the day of noa ark and sodom and gamorah.jesus is coming repent is not too late act 3:19. 7 plagues o 7 salots tulad covid 19 panahon ni moises. war romors of war o word war3,famaine o tagutom na walang makain kahit sa dagat at sa lupa kc infected o ubos lahat ay na gutom ang buong mndo, earthquake lahat ng bansa,all volcano will erapted at masmatindi na kalamidad sa panahon ni noa. Just pray before it too late. Pray mula sa puso hndi mula sa isip kc ang isip curapted because jesus is coming.mathew 24:1-51 rapture

  6. Elmira, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making these videos. Your organization of the info is great. I do miss the "Stunning Nature", though. It was so nice to end bad news with a reminder of beauty and goodness in the world. If you are able, I'm sure many of us would welcome this back. Regardless, sincere thanks and best wishes. Cheers!

  7. Have you checked on the the ice reduction on the polar ice caps ? also you made a comment- as the typhoon move from korea to russiaā€¦ verbal tracking of storms (story of the storm) how fishing vessels' were impacted for example if any at allā€¦ and where are those sexy places to go visit :)))

  8. Iā€™m homeless and I suffer loss and pain mentally, emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically and struggle with not belonging somewhere. I wonā€™t say the exact types of things that have damaged me that have happened because they are very painful to talk about in my life but I will tell you itā€™s nothing of God and all of this world and anything attached to this world and worldliness (relationships, family, friends, jobs, homelessness, livelihood, income, money etc). This suffering is what Jesus said we would go through and only if we are true followers and suffered like Christ suffered as he as the example and now as me and others like as the example, the way we would end up here suffering is if we kept the Ten Commandments. Jesus told us to keep the Ten Commandments and the many spread a deception to many of ignorance, arrogance and laziness as Jesus warned about in Matthew 24. Pauls letters are not clear to many and they have twisted them to mean something else by just two verses (Ephesians 2:8 and romans 10:9) but they donā€™t read that Paul is speaking to those who already kept the commandments as Paul instructed to do so in 1 Corinthians 7:19 or that in Ephesians 2 he starts out his letter addressing those who used to be disobedient to Godā€™s commandments and being sinful but now they exercise moral control over sin and are obedient to Godā€™s commandments and thatā€™s who Paul is talking to, those who are true to Jesus who follow his teaching and command to obey the Ten Commandments of the Father. I just had a dream and Iā€™m going to explain it to you (it was 3am when I had this dream and I always wake up at this time and donā€™t sleep properly). I was near a land under the water in the sea. There was a war going on but no enemy. The followers of the pirate captain who was my captain at first ordered all the many soldiers of his to attack the enemy from under water. They were all armed with guns and the enemy never came so they all drowned with their guns. I swam around looking at the many dead bodies. And the captain said when itā€™s all done and we have won a soldier must come to the front and wave in the air to show itā€™s clear and tell us. The captain and his elite brown noses were hiding under a rock in very obvious sight and said they would spring the element of surprise to overtake their enemy. Then the captain said come let me get everyone a drink. We all walked into this Caribbean bar which was made up of a wooden caging with a wooden door. The captain got half a pint of beer called gouge and he looked like he might share it around to all his members who fought his war but he drunk the whole lot and said itā€™s nice for you all to buy me that drink. He then looked at me and could see the distress on my face for wanting a reward. He taunted me, mocked me and insulted me. Then I wanted to leave but all of his guards blocked the doors and stood around me as if I was trapped and there was no escape. And I felt persecuted, arrested and like I was going to die. I looked for a way out of this wooden cage bar now a prison! Here is the analysis of that dream. The captain is the devil. The ones who died are the ones who say they follow Christ but donā€™t they follow the devil via man with the deception of Jesus died for your sin so believe in the history event of this and be lazy, arrogant and ignorant and live by mans word not by the instruction of Jesus to obey the commandments and endure suffering, they are many who had guns (swords) and were destroyed for following what they captain ordered rather then what God commanded. I was the few Jesus spoke of who suffered and experienced great pain and slavery then was mocked, insulted, imprisoned in this world, persecuted, arrested and condemned to death by the devil. His elite and brown nose followers were the elite of this world who have sold their souls to the devil or are rich and well off who say they follow Jesus but actually follow deceptions from the devil and spread the deceptions as Jesus warned about as I said earlier and they are the children of the devil as is anyone who does not follow Jesus. Me looking for an escape is me and the few looking desperately for Jesus to save them and rescue them from this prison. And desperate to the point of things being way too intense now that it needs to be any second now! And not intense by what the hypocrites to Jesus actually think with the afflictions and plagues God is bringing to the earth but intense by the evil growing in this world, sinfulness, disobedience and the seemingly acceptable wrong behaviour of the world (I.e. sexual immorality like only fans and nudity and sexual content, homosexuality & paganism like transsexualism and orgies and porn, killing and condemning others in society or in politics etc, disobedience to Godā€™s commandments because of arrogance, laziness, ignorance, blindness and deafness and of following word of man which is the devils word rather than the word of God, believing in lies and deceit of things like a global virus which does not exist and having to accept a DNA altering drug packed full of demons to protect oneself which actually harms and believing itā€™s real and the drug is safe, promoting the antichrist to get back into power for another 4 years and treating him like a messiah which he is not, the betrayal of people, the disloyalty to those who do good, the abandonment of those who are supposed to be your family and friends and kick you to the curb for loving whatā€™s good and doing whatā€™s good ā€“ these are just some things with many more).

    To be true to God obey the Ten Commandments as Jesus himself commanded and as it says throughout the bible.

  9. Haarp chamtrails geoinjorniering Wetter Waffen Israel usa Terror Organisation die neue Weltordnung
    Haarp chamtrails weater Wappen technology of israel Kabala 666 read Zion protokol of Israel
    Armageddon 2023-2025
    Big Great Reset the New World order Ä°lluminati 666
    New Virus comming zombi Virus 1

  10. So, where is this "god" right now when the world needs him? Ah, I forgot ā€“ he's causing ALL this chaos and destruction, and you, the believers must be happy because according to you "this is what he wants!" LMAO!!šŸ¤£

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