We will be taking a look at twitch streamers that caught terrifying ghosts behind them, ghosts on a baby monitor, a terrifying black shadow figure attacking 2 guys in the woods, a pale female ghost that reveals itself to a man. Scary TikTok ghost videos, and a creepy haunted house with true evil, a surprise encounter, a scary ghost attack in a haunted house. These are all new ghost videos that I have yet to cover on the channel, top 5 scary ghost videos that verify the existence of the paranormal
The Depths of Despair brings you the best of the best scary, horror videos including, ghosts, demons, entities, monsters, shadow figures, paranormal events, supernatural events, mythical sightings, aliens, Mysterious, weird and horrific scenes, unexplained footage, UFOS, deep dark web content and the rest of the creepy content out there to be seen. We have it all!
1. Cuyoya – https://www.youtube.com/c/Cuyoya/featured
2. Twitch – Checo4u
3. Sent in Isaac Springfield
4. TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@brasco526
5.TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@elcucuy.tv
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#scary #creepyvideos #top5
I hope you guys enjoy these 5 scary videos, subtitles available in many languages
12:59 first heart attack i've had while watching one of your video's 😱
In 2 I believe and feel the baby is safe, its a white light usually associated with good and positivity. It may be a passed family member just saying hello or watching over.
The mom was freaked out by the light next to her baby but just leaves it alone with the baby for a while….. Ok
Isaac and Ryan have been fooled!!! It is simply a black blanket or material which is tied to a string (which also makes it look like it has a head) and hung over a tall branch. There is someone on the other end of the string and pulls it up, which is why it rises into the trees and when they find it, it looks like a blanket that gets up, by pulling on the string. I used to do this with a fake spider.lol👍🙂🙏🙏🙏
it has been 6 months ago I sent a comment.
I've been at work for 6 months 24/7 on the oile platform, and now home again.
I am SCHOCKED to see you went from 7k subs to 75k !
I'm so proud of being one of your first fans. – you do one hell of good content mate !!!!
Now I returned home and I have a half year content to watch by my favorite youtuber ! haha I LOVE IT
My bad and my apologies to the guy in the first clip, Checo I believe. I meant Cuyoya (?)..
I did enjoy this episode. However the guy in the first one, imo is a… Never mind.
So , yeah I enjoyed ,4 outta 5.
That last 1 scared me 💩less!!! Considering how much I watch stuff like this; from like …"the chilld guy", & "slapn hams" dudes; Ive nvr seen a full or extended video of yours & felt it was a waste of time, u nvr disappoint, 70% of the clips u show r scary, 25-29% will scare the daylights outta ya! The rest ofm can only dream of numbers like those!
couple of fakes here but that last one omg it was so fake it should’ve been a cartoon!!!
First one was either fake or someone messing with him as evidenced by the person peeking out behind him.
Second one, clearly another person, he just floated up the creaky stairs.
Third one, if it's fake, they are very good actors up until the end when that is the slowest I've ever seen a person run, a terrified person at that.
Fourth video, it's Tic Toc, easily faked.
Fifth video, just a pervert with his flashlight hiding in the closet.
Last video, again, it's Tic Toc.
1: Why do Ghosts and Demons wear Clothes. We were Born Naked and Clothes DO NOT DIE
2: Why do Ghosts and Demones Knock 3 Times on Doors.
3: Why do Ghosts Look around Corners and only show there Faces.
4: Why do Ghosts Appear and Disappear behind Frosted Shower Screens.
5: Why do Ghosts need an OPEN DOOR to Enter a Room.
6: Why do Ghost look Directly at Cameras for the Perfect Mug Shot.
7: Why do Ghost always HAUNT a House exactly the Same way as other Ghost. Do they have Limits.
8: Why do we see Round ORBS during a serious Haunting Session.
9: If a Ghost can Interact with Humans, then Humans can Interact with Ghosts. Yes or No.
10: If we Discharged a 1,000,000 Volt AC ARK in a Hunted House… Would that Destroy a Ghost and Remove it from the House.
Can someone answer these 10 simple Questions.
If I had someone not knocking but almost POUNDING on one of my INTERIOR doors…do you think I'd be dumb enuf to open it? You would be letting inside your home, whatever is knocking, as soon as you opened it.
Whenever something is knocking on a door you should always knock back only much harder/ louder.
Why are some ghosts so shy, always peeking off of a wall or corner then immediately shy away? I see it happen all the time. They should be named [shy-peeking-ghost-heads]!:)👻
Can you dial down on your background score@depths of despair
It's only white people that use ouija boards and invite demands so that they can post on social media black people are staying far from that just my observation
That mop was scary coming in at number one
I dunno why would a ghost even attempt to "peek" from behind a corner that doesn't make any sense and it looked way too human so I am thinking it's some kid's creative idea for views. I feel like it's a bit of BS tbh.
The so called "Entity " in the graveyard looked like nothing more than a Halloween prop on a String 😒. But overall REALLY GOOD CLIPS 👍
Last one CLEARLY FAKE AF they dropped down obviously why he didn't point that direction 🙄
Sam has a spirit attached to her. Did she ever play with a ouija board? It seems to be that the activity may get worse and if it’s malevolent, it may be trying to possess her as its ultimate goal.
That "umsamiguess" is so full of it. BLATENTLY SO! I refuse to watch any vids with her. It's been proven it's her sister helping make the noises or moving things. Shes even seen behind a cabinet/dresser. That's why shes always laughing. I hope noone gives this fraud….and a BAD fraud, any likes, subscriptions, or credit! Fake!! Jillian. I thought this channel would screen better! It's one of my fav channels but shouldn't stop so low! Shame!
Hey Depths.. loving the scary content as always..
I can see the fear of losing monetization based upon your increasingly desperate thumbnails and titles, maybe ur next video should be based upon that fear
Eveytime the ghost is caught on camera, it's like it's intentionally always sht video quality
DEFINITELY THE BEST CHANNEL OUT THERE FOR CREEPY VIDEOS! (My idea of shouting it from the rooftops! Best I could do! 😂)
Instead of asking wtf it is………. GO GET YOUR KID!!
Sam, it looks like you have an attachment sweetheart .
(19:40) Really think that it's a spirit that's watching over the baby and being that all children (new borns, infants and toddlers) are pure they are able to see things that we, as adults, are unable to see. Therefore, baby girl reaches out to touch it…whereas the mom has to use the monitor in order to follow its movements. Has anyone ever noticed via video or in person how small children play with the "air" or point to stuff that we adults can't see or motion to be picked up or reach up touch something that we're oblivious to? 🤔 🤷🏾♂️
Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [1]
I will say [2] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you make the Most High your dwelling– even the LORD, who is my refuge–
then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
15:30 that…insurgent looking thing is surprising me more than ghost in her house… 😳
In the last vid, it makes me laugh how the guy runs to catch the 'creepy figure' and pans the camera right around to the entrance of the stairwell whereas if you slow it down, theres the other area of escape which is the adjacent room that the stairwell seperates. It's so MO with these vids it gets tiring cos there's just no challenge anymore for someone to make a scary vid, real or otherwise.
last one was legit
14:15 thats black pocong.