How Do We Keep Deaf People Safe During Natural Disasters? Severe weather events can turn deadly quick and it’s important to keep informed before and while they happen.
If you or someone you know is deaf or hard of hearing and is in need of emotional support related to a disaster, the Disaster Distress Helpline offers a direct videophone option for American Sign Language (ASL) users. This service is answered 24/7 by trained crisis workers fluent in ASL and can be accessed using any videophone-enabled device and dialing 1-800-985-5990 or via the DDH website at http://disasterdistress.samhsa.gov.
Disaster Distress Helpline:
Tweets by distressline
Tweets by DeafLEAD
This video is sponsored by Disaster Distress Helpline.
#AccessibilityMatters #WinterStormIzzy
Captioned by:
How Do We Keep Deaf People Safe During Natural Disasters?
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I don’t always feel the buzz on the phone alerts while sleeping.
I missed a tornado just recently. 😒 sirens didn’t go off bc they chose to keep it at phone alert. Was a big thing on my local news in Arkansas. Ugh. You’re so awesome and brave for posting these experiences. 🤟🏻♥️🤟🏻
Right!! Do you have issues with your bed shaker?? I’ve been having issues with the white sonic boom alarms. Time to just pay hundreds for good quality.
Hey Rikki, I'm following you for quite a while now and I've seen you do some reaction videos.
I hope you do a reaction on this one:
It's from Geoff Castellucci, a famous musician, who shared with his wife the story of her auditory loss.
It's a very well done video with subtitles: informational but funny, serious but also silly.
Have a great day 🙂
I thought your channel had more subscribers
Your deaf not blind lol
This is part of why I am going to school for emergency management and planning and plan on working for FEMA my Deaf but wants accessibility for our community!!!
Same issues in Sweden with accessibility. Think its a hearing and oral speech culture thing.
I didnt mind this in video ad for this service. It seems relevant, like an important service for society.
Deaf woman here who was in New Orleans during the recent hurricane, Ida. Shari Bernius is the local news ASL interpreter who has been amazing during COVID-19 and during Ida. She's a CODA and grew up with ASL as her first language. I'm so grateful for her work! We even had a certified Deaf interpreter and other ASL interpreters helping Deaf community members apply for FEMA aid after the fact. I was actually really impressed with the New Orleans response to the latest disasters! That being said, there are gains to be made everywhere to help keep the Deaf community safe. And now, I live in North Carolina, so fingers crossed!
Hi rikki here in the uk we don’t have such violent weather as you! Our biggest event was in 1987 when we had a hurricane! But we get lots of floods & strong winds! I am a weather nerd! I was in charge of the weather station at high school! Friends ask will it rain or be cold etc! But what I have noticed that on our weather forecasts on tv there are nobody signing the forecast! I am lucky even though I am profoundly deaf I know what each weather chart means! But some of the time deaf people in the uk are treated like 2nd class citizens! Once our hearing devices are out at night we can’t hear the stormy winds & some of us cannot hear thunder! So I admire you for getting involved in weather related issues! On another topic it’s good to see your still wearing your hearing aids! Every now & then I get to see the cool pink earmoulds! Friends that hear you speak say your speech is so much more clearer & you speak quieter! You are doing so well with them! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🦻🏻🦻🏻
Great points (as always). I have auditory processing difficulties, and the weather folks always seem to be talking as fast as humanly possible 🥴 GOOD captions are so important
Rikki, you inspire me ❤️🙏 Thank you for sharing your experiences here on YouTube and being open to present many valuable questions!I believe Deafness is a superpower. Deafness is love expressed in its own bold uniqueness. Forever love, you are a gem! Thank you for being here!
We might not have tornadoes in the UK, but flooding is becoming more of an issue and over 200K rural properties lost power during Storm Arwen back in November. I can imagine if you were cut off due to a storm, you would want to get accessible information immediately and not waste time trying to make sense of what you can work out from content that isn't captioned or is inaccessible. Having a service with ASL trained staff available sounds like a good step in the right direction for people in the US, so thanks for highlighting this!
I actually left north Carolina in 2010 when all that craziness started. I got to a Kansas rest stop and they had the weather on screen and my kids were young and they were asking mom what's all the red dots I gave the only explanation I could which was we need to leave and get back on the road. then by the time I got to I think it was Iowa they were flooded and the freeway was closed so I decided to follow a trucker and hoped I would be going the right way 😂
You are always interesting rikki love listening to you talk about anything awesome video love you rikki
awesome video, very interesting
Also reminds me of the many times where there are unqualified 'interpreters' during those press conferences just gesturing and it makes no sense
When I was a kid all we had was tv and radios. Some places we had a weather radio that broadcast weather warnings. About all we had. I didn’t have cell phone until I was an adult and work gave us a cellphone.
The experiences you guys have with the plethora of systems designed 90% thinking on the able-bodied and 10% for the rest of society are GOLD!! Developers all around the country should be paying you for all this insight to help them make their services better.
Keep your voices loud and present!
Thanks for this video! It’s especially relevant given gestures vaguely around at the burning planet