Remember that guy from 300? What was his name? ARG!!! It turns out our brains make and recall memories in different ways. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank talks about the way we do it, what damaging that process can do to us, and that guy… with the face and six-pack…
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Introduction: Memory 00:00
Accessing Memory: Recall, Recognition, and Relearning 1:44
How Memory is Stored 2:48
Working Memory 4:24
Explicit Memory 4:56
Implicit Memory 5:19
Types of Long-Term Memory: Procedural & Episodic 6:12
Mnemonics, Chunking, and Memory Tricks 6:59
Shallow vs. Deep Processing 7:28
The Importance of Memory 8:33
Review & Credits 9:06
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I am pretty sure working memory can remember 7 plus or minus 2 terms at a time. but Loove this vidddeo!
Our continuous chain of memories trick us into believing we always were and will always be one single person, when, in reality, we are many different persons across time and space.
when we need to memorize even how memory is formed
Ok what is the go with the little dude that popped up over your shoulder at 5:21? I thought I was seeing things.
nah, i simply associated the name to the visual abstract of "the 300",
this is crazy. I have always remembered the name Leonidas because I met Gerard butler once. This was the perfect example for me!
did anybody see that small ghost like figure behind his chair
"Hi, I'm Tom!"
Beat* the piano
Or that lion sounds like lion and nitus sounds like night… So night lion😂😂😂
I once had a discussion with a friend, probably 12 or 13 years ago, about the order in which we wash our hair and body in the shower (we both shampooed, rinsed, conditioned, body washed while the conditioner is in, then rinsed again) and I still recall the conversation every time I'm in the shower.
He falling in love to his wife again and again everytime he met her
Am I the only person who saw the ghost behind the chair.. at 05:22 ? 😀 😀
People won't always remember what you say, or what you do, but they will always remember how you made them feel, so make them feel something good and their memory of you will reflect the same.
30 minutes before the AP test gang!!! no distributed practice here lmao
Me about to take my ap psych test thinking watching this video will improve my memory
When I was little (around 10 yrs old), I was curious to know what 99 x 88 was on the calculator. 8,712 is the answer and 18 yrs later I have not forgotten.
"except of course during the exam!"
dont jinx it!!
What kind of memory is beleif?
Anyone have the AP psych test this may?
Ghibli 👌
I can't believe he is John green's brother..
5:20 omg spirited awayy
u speak too fast which is very bad habit
I would think that when we remember something we, in essence, open a file, view it, and put it away. I am assuming it can be edited to.. Just like opening a document on a computer, saving changes, and recommitting it to hard disk
Our brain is all about efficency!
Did anyone else see the little ghost pop up at 5:22?
Gerard butler as Leonidas 300 is In my long term memory. One of the best war movies 👌
So what does encoding actually mean?
His wife is a lucky woman- he truly loves her
Has anyone ever done that to his wife? hugging her every time when she pops up ??
I last watched this video 3 years ago and the moment he showed the Spartan and I immediately went Leonidas. I guess it is in my LTM now.
I love you 😍
Idk why I remembered this 😅
“Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart”.
~ Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore
You are awesome ❗
i only remembered leonidas' name because my name is leo lmao
He's not wrong, when I was younger for the longest time I couldn't remember how to spell the word beautiful. Without any prodding I decided to write a song to help and literally made me spell it out. Went something like this,
You are B-E-A-U-TI-FU-L,
Baby you got me under your spell…
To this day, I can't ever forget how to spell that word.
i watched this video 2 years ago. i still remember leonidas
I saw that
now all i can think about is 'leonidas' lol won;t be that helpful on psych exam in 3 hours
Why do I see no face?
I have issues absorbing information from videos so after watching your videos and immediately forgetting everything I rewatch it again on double speed and it gets absorbed better the second time.
“Our memories are the chain that connects our past to our present” I love that ❤️
I was Bernice in my school 🙁 I fell off a stool chair that was in my Chemistry class and everyone laughed and I couldn't move because I twisted my ankle
hey does anybody know why my brain decided to memorize my permit's identification number after reading it twice but i can't remember what i did last week w/o effort okay ty
Did anyone else notice the little masked monster thing that stuck its head over the back of his chair at 5:22?
谢谢 спасибо Thank you shukran
tell me why i've been binge watching random crash course videos… for fun… ?
damn what was that at 5:22 was a bit scary 🙁