Real Ghostly Demonic Voices & Ambiences Caught On Camera *Scariest Recorded Exorcism Sounds* 2022 PLEASE HELP – The Most Horrifying Paranormal Activity Demon / Ghost Hunter Sound Video I’ve Ever Recorded. This is what it sounds like when you are Cursed & Haunted. Have Fun. The language the entities use in this recording is German as they are trying to get me to comit suicide for over 7 month now.
REACH OUT TO ME, this is no joke, I would really appreciate your help to finally get rid of these evil entities, and yes this is a real recording:
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my name is Michel Geißdorf and I am from Germany. About 10 month ago I did a magical ritual on my own without any knowledge about it on my own and think I have opened a magical door for astral parasites or / and demons with it. About 3 month after the ritual I have heard a femal voice in my head asking me “Can you hear me?” in German language (“Kannst du mich hören?”). I have replied yes without thinking anything bad about it but ever since then I hear at least 3 voices in my head. One or two male and one or two female voices (I am not sure if they can change the sound of their voices). But they also can make their voices sound like echoing which I think is meant to get me into a hypnotic state. They demand my permanent attention and ask me to kill myself for over 7 month now on a daily basis at any given second of the day. I have consulted a medium here in Germany but she failed to remove the “spirits”. They also can knock on the interior very heavily and demand my attention with this. They even can cause pain in my heart which also is noticable with pressure in my brain. I have written down the notes how they interact with me and will send it along with this message to you translated via Google Translator: My filing
1. 1st contact: Question: Do you hear me? After Training – Replied with approval
2. Loud popping noises afterwards
3. Since then 24/7 contact with a male (approx. 46 years old) and a female voice (approx. 23 years) which occur in close proximity or echo-like/hypnotic (can also occur in headphones/speakers)
4. Can cause loud knocking and banging in the room or adjoining rooms
5. Female voice can control heart, announces pain from heart to brain (increased heartbeat) by asking “And the heart?”
6. Demand suicide by hanging
7. Can read thoughts and mental images and repeat this with the question whether it were think
8. Need / Demand permanent contact
9. Consistently negative, insulting in the form of words like “miscarriage”, “hospital”, “that sucks”, “emo”, “anti-social”, “alcoholic”
10. Measure their success against recurring thought patterns/thinking overlays/stress
11. Aggressively demanding to stop happy states such as laughing or grinning when they occur
12. Questions in moments of happiness after closing the “door”
13. Ultimate goal: Suicide due to loss of sanity
14. Answers to the question which entities they are or to the question about the name not and counter with “you don’t even know who we are” and / and “you don’t even know what’s going on there”
15. Contact in Bavarian language (male voice) and High German as well as Bavarian language (female voice)
16. Voices can be heard in recordings
17. Can read/see “aura” and mention regeneration in “rest periods”
18. Provide information or answers but merely repeat thought patterns and try to evoke them with keywords / triggers
19. When dealing with the topic in a funny way, a so-called splin IS mentioned in addition to stopping laughing or grinning
20. Prompting aggressiveness / getting angry.
I really need your help with this in hopes to get rid of this soon since I feel very depressed ever since then and realize that they have implanted thought patterns by always repeating my thoughts. I start to think everything twice etc. and the attacks on my heart and brain are not only exhausting but life threatening. I actually have the feeling that it really brings the asked for money in my life since I feel like I have “unlimited” money ever since then but still want it to stop.
Kind Regards
Michel Geißdorf
DJ (i)MG Beatz
New Music Soon Regardless..
#ghosts #demons #haunted #paranormal #exorcism
I wonder if the spirits live in another dimension where they may be frightened thinking that you are the spiritual world.🤔 It’s an interesting thought to me
Yes I find odd voices with electronic sounds etc. What do you use to enhance your sound clip?
dont get annoyed anymore lol I thought everyone was hearing how I could because they are often so loud and clear to me
Bone chilling indeed. I don't blame skeptics but I know what I've experienced. Take everyone's word with a grain but when it happens to you draw your own conclusions.
I recorded like 10 spirits in one clip talking up a storm.
There are a lot of recorded cases of ghosts repeating what other people say.
Great vid, i enjoyed it alot. 👏👏👏
My blood didn't chill, but my ears strained.
I attempted EVP recordings in several outdoor places rumored to be haunted and in 2 graveyards 10 years ago for a span of about 6 months. I started experiencing strange incidents in my house during this time….doors slamming, full paint cans tipping over, my pets running and hiding then growling at something I was unable to see….but the worst was all the episodes of sleep paralysis every time I slept.
Subscribed. I've had some weird experiences lately.
This was an awesome video, absolutely loved the way you boost the sound
These demons fell from the heavens…🙏
omg 😵
That screaming gave me chills!🥴
Do I regret watching this? Yes – Will I lose sleep over this? Probably – Will I continue watching scary videos? Yes
I hope you will get rid of these voices soon 🤞
Looking forward to hear new music soon!
😲 Usually I'm not scared about ghost videos. But THIS is on another LEVEL
I’m a former paranormal investigator, and it was always one of my favorite aspects of investigating.
So glad to see this notification pop up! Always love your content
man this is creepy 😱😱😱
Thank you for sharing your paranormal experience with those who follow you
I really appreciate the video description you have explained the occurences in
Glad to hear from you, Michel. I hope things are getting better for you. Will be waiting for your next video.