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#creepyplaces #archaeologicaldiscoveries #originsexplained #scaryfinds
I only use beer for rituals too. 🙄
So the whole time the art was in the cave it was fine and now that they discovered it the art is peeling off. That should tell you that the painting was done recently
I learn More these videos then I ever did going to High School
It's always scary and creepy.
Mmmh .., didn't get it at all.. but you see… no knowledge is without a skin
Katrina my crush
This video is amazing thanks 👍👍🙂😎👍
People don’t just disappear, the race of these people are being hidden. Smh
💖 K
Thank you again for an amazing video
Love your videos!!!
I thought they drank beer cuz plain water was unfit?
Enjoy your videos as they are full of information.
Aren't you glad you ARE an academic Katrina? I am! Great video as always 👍
Bono and the Edge walk in a bar.
Bartender: Not U2 again!
Wonderful and enlightening
Entertaining as always x
Beer etc.was safer to drink than water, so yes, it was a staple as much as bread and onions 😘
China needs to admit that they are covering up pyramids
Beer was also part of workers wages in Egypt.
The scariest and scariest Archeological discoveries!. This is very interesting to see my friend, you are very great and extraordinary. greetings from Indonesian agate hunters.
so, in modern times our keggers are rituals! who knew?
Pin pls and i will believe that its true
To all who's reading this keep safe alwis.