Compilation of a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Papua New Guinea on September 11, 2022, at 9:46 AM local time. The earthquake struck at a depth of 90 kilometers 66 km E of Kainantu and had a maximum intensity of VIII, damaging buildings, triggering landslides, killing at least five people, and injuring four others.
How can one have such nerve to stand and make videos!!!
I noticed that people would rather take videos than be safe and pray. Hope that place will not experience a 9 magnitude.
0:30 That helicopter looked as if it was alive…
Just like anything.
When it comes to a earthquake its always about location, location, location.
In this case depth.
90km is a lot different than a quake hitting at 10 or 9KM.
In the face of God's wrath, who can stand? I say unto you, with man it is impossible, but with God it is possible.
This is a warning from Mother God to PNG men: Stop killing your women. This is the country with the highest rate of violence against women in the world'. You have been warned.
I felt the quake all the way in pom lo church na honest mi poret
Earthquakes are associated with the sun-earth magnetosphere that is becoming increasingly activated as part of the effects of the 12, 000-year micronova cycle that is now beginning, as noted by north and south magnetic poles on the move toward Sumatra and Java which will become the new Arctic Circle. 12,500-years ago 8/10 of species populations became extinct as the result of the Gothenberg event. The effect was greatest in the Americas, but This will effect greater damage in Eurasia. this time. Volcanoes and a world-wide flood will also accompany this current cataclysm. Humanity has survived at ;east 7 of these events, so we are survivors, if we are ready and prepared, My book, Quantum Knowing: A Train Is on the Tracks covering this in greater detail is available to help.
Nice liquefaction!
And now Papua New Guinea.😥
Lol…Everyone so calm..
Guessing they have no idea whats going on.
In other Countries, people be freaking out.
Are there any government bodies responsible informing us before a disaster hits? We are always surprised by disasters for ever. Come on y'all
I am so glad it was not that serious of an earthquake to cause any injury.
Sending love and safety to my islander brothers and sisters of PNG.
Omg it lasted forever
I would not have stayed indoors to film a quake I would have ran outside to do it 😳
im wondering why there isnt a eas alarm or smth lol
It was really intense In Madang. Strongest I’ve ever felt
Se sintio bien feo
Prayers go to everyone in Papua New Guinea.
In the next 10 years almost all videos will be of high definition no matter what country