Magnitude 7.6 Earthquake in Papua New Guinea Sept. 11, 2022 Compilation

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Compilation of a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Papua New Guinea on September 11, 2022, at 9:46 AM local time. The earthquake struck at a depth of 90 kilometers 66 km E of Kainantu and had a maximum intensity of VIII, damaging buildings, triggering landslides, killing at least five people, and injuring four others.


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About the Author: Earthquakes


  1. This is a warning from Mother God to PNG men: Stop killing your women. This is the country with the highest rate of violence against women in the world'. You have been warned.

  2. Earthquakes are associated with the sun-earth magnetosphere that is becoming increasingly activated as part of the effects of the 12, 000-year micronova cycle that is now beginning, as noted by north and south magnetic poles on the move toward Sumatra and Java which will become the new Arctic Circle. 12,500-years ago 8/10 of species populations became extinct as the result of the Gothenberg event. The effect was greatest in the Americas, but This will effect greater damage in Eurasia. this time. Volcanoes and a world-wide flood will also accompany this current cataclysm. Humanity has survived at ;east 7 of these events, so we are survivors, if we are ready and prepared, My book, Quantum Knowing: A Train Is on the Tracks covering this in greater detail is available to help.

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