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Eyestreme broke into your minecraft house
I love preston😁😛🤩🤪😄✌☺🙂😊
preston you are right waffles are better than pancakes
Craftee did this
There are the same thing
Person I wish I could see this in every video but when you talk to can man you told him he's a can man his name is not can man his name is can man interesting place your name is not Preston your name is Eugene stop lying
I like pancakes more but that you’re opinion
WaffIeS are better than PancaKeS
You are now the avatar
Pancakes are better
That is the best
Pancakes are better than waffles
at 6:53 "Waffle are better than pancakes" I TOTALLY AGREE MAN!!
waffles better than pancakes
pancakes in my opinion r kinnda dry but waffeles aahh to die for when with syrup
Hello lady yelling your diamonds
no your Ron
I love waffles