Scotty’s Animals Worldwide Vet List and Guinea Pig Care Guide: https://www.scottysanimals.com
https://www.LAGuineaPigRescue.com/ https://www.petfinder.com/
Sherwood Appetite Restore: https://amzn.to/3C2xfMK
Critical Care: https://amzn.to/3pisqap
Child Life Liquid Vitamin C: https://amzn.to/3vWjonp
Everything Else We Recommend at the Rescue: https://www.amazon.com/shop/scottysanimals
Small Pet Select Healthy Snackers, Pellets + 15% off storewide link: https://bit.ly/ScottysAnimals
C&C KAVEE Cages and liners https://kaveecage.net/ 10% off with Code: SCOTTY10
Corner Space House: https://amzn.to/3dKNalp
The Princess and the Poop Book: https://amzn.to/34uKLKV Written & Illustrated by Scotty!
The Snak Shak is the BEST Hay Rack out there: https://amzn.to/3uY2iE5
The BEST Treats: https://www.TheNaturalCavy.com
Fiddlesticks Tunnel: https://amzn.to/3dKAPhp
Living world pet tunnel: https://amzn.to/3s0KKri
Pop-up Playpen: https://amzn.to/3ytxj4n
C&C Grids: https://amzn.to/3pRlG3s (Coroplast at Home Depot)
Vitamin C Cookies: https://amzn.to/30nvqK3 Oxbow Treats: https://amzn.to/3pLIxNK
Scotty’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ScottysAnimals
Scotty’s Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ScottysAnimals
Love you and these little ones… Thank you Scotty for all you do!
So bad this weather 😢🍀💚🙏🤗
WHAT is the best way to keep a long haired GP FOR M GETTING SOILED SO QUICKLY??
Hi, I just got two ex breeding skinnies, mother and daughter, called Ethel and Maude! Yours have so much more fur than mine. I worry about the cold weather but I have bought them a heat pad. Keep up the good workx
I hope they get to stay together, especially if they have been together for awhile, I am worried that they will miss each other and get depressed♡
Hope you didn't hit too much rain on your way to the rescue. We live just west of Montclair and we got a little rain but nothing bad, mostly during the evening/night hours. Such cuties, hope they find a good home.
Thanks for your help. Hope you are safe during the trip. Here in Arizona, we want the hurricane to boost our monsoons.
Thanks for all you do. Do you still have the hamster. If so, could you post some video about him/her.
They are so cute
Hello 👋
Precious little babies
Be safe Scotty!! The pigs can have a sleepover.
I have an extra soft spot for skinnies. I'm so glad they found their way to you.
They are so adorable
🥰 Scotty 💕 I hear in your voice that you have already fallen in love with them! I know I have.
I love my skinny I’m thinking of adopting one more
Seems to be something wrong with Arnie's left eye? If so, can you say what it is?
I just adopted a skinny pig, myself! This pig is so happy, he has 2 girls in the cage next door to his, he gets plenty of fresh hay and veggies and attention♡♡ you are an angel, man. Please never stop doing what your doing
i have 6 skinnies, so adorable. i love these guys!!
Annie and Arnie I love the name!! Don't quote me but they do look like they may be warewolf skinny's. Baldwin skinny pig is pure 10000% bald no fur on nose or anywhere.
OMG monsoon, hurricain, dessert fires, scary stuff man, Please take care of yourself and all the animals !
Stay safe Scotty and all the piggies how's Molly
Girls are special that's why I have heard nine. Now male wise have rare trio a single and pair skinnies.
Hi Scotty
What email Should I use to send a PayPal donation?
My goodness they seem so hungry! Maybe fresh veggies are a treat to them.
Stay safe Scotty 💕
Omg stay safe Scotty 🙏❤️ Seeing how hot it is there ,here in Argentina we better be ready for a crazy summer coming up .Pray that your power doesn't go out….Oh gosh they are so cute ,Look like teddies
Hurricane?? Yikes Scotty. Take care. You will love those skinny pigs. My Val just passed away…maybe he sent them to you.
I hope they don’t have ringworm poor babies 💜
they are so precious
Yay Skinnies!!! My fave. They're super cute and lucky to have you. They look like they've got werewolfing for sure, but mine lost some of their fuzziness as they got to be about 2 years old. Take care!!
They are so cute ❤️