Baradun and the Dickheads try to make Edelyn go away peacefully by doing a theatre show… who would have thought?!
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I had to leave my hometown because of my work… i choose to go away and help children with disabilities very far from home… sometimes i felt lonely and homesick but you guys with your videos have helped me a lot… thanks from the bottom of my heart
Oh my god, I was finishing this while I was at work, and the last five minutes had me biting my finger to avoid bursting out laughing. Too perfect.
Bodger has a secret little sibling in Eastwatch, I'm calling it
Watching the stone giants i just realized….baradun could have taken bodger to them via dimension door.with a range of like 500ft it would be easy to spam it a couple times.or even just once and distract them while the others catch up.🤣they really do thrive on the chaos.
@2:00:00 it would have been so perfect if Greg said; "I nod, walk back over to the cliff edge, and I reroll my character" lmaooo
Rob went straight twilight zone on them. Literally. He made a character they could talk too. He gives a hint of doom(the dame of unhappy endings or w/e)they come up with a play, give her the talking option. Are super happy. And it turns out she didn't want a happy ending! A twilight zone where an alien comes to earth and they misinterpreted his message and make world peace, but really they wanted us to hurry and have a winner.(then kills us all)
I gotta say, when I see the length of these compilations, I have a lot of respect for the time that they AND their production team put in. Lunches, breaks, and good fun aside, that's a long day to stay attentive and enthused. Damn fine work VLDL and crew! Thank you for your time and investment! VLDL DND has been a wonderful daily companion for me. I hope it will be for a long time to come!
Anyone know what episodes this spans?
There are so many gems in this session, but I keep thinking of the reveal of Greg's true name as Greg "The Garlic" Farmer
the coffee kicks in 1:53:00 lmao
I just wanted to say you guys are amazing and hilarious 😂 thank you so much for all the videos and skits. They really do make my day
Another glorious supercut finished. Itll likely be awhile before we get another one because this one stopped at the same place the last regular episode finished at.
i wonder if anyone notices that it seems that the three sisters got more powerfull at same time that baradun lost his.. maybe laethil sent them some of baraduns sapped powers.. 😀
Baradun and The Dickheads singing the Ballad of Dirk is among the greatest scenes of all time in anything.
I want to say a HUGE thank you to whoever does the closed captioning for this series. They are definitely way above and beyond auto generated ones, and as someone hearing impaired who relies heavily on captions, especially in multiple speaker situations, I'm extremely grateful. The shrug emotes, the specific descriptions of laughter and looks, the sound effects, it's all amazing. THANK YOU ❤️
And then Baradun never checks the book again
Maude, the Queen, and wife of Mouse, the Bard, has a ring which is magicked as much as any item may be, without becoming an artifact, and contains several notable stones inset, with a central stone which is six karats of "Emperor's tears" in a flawless single gem, worth perhaps as much as a small village. She carries a "pouch of holding" with her "mildly annoyed money" (more would be 'mad money') that she never bothers to count, just refilling it when it gets empty. That hasn't happened in recent memory, since when she wipes out a creature of evil who has coinage, it goes into the pouch. {Probably ten K gold, or thereabouts} Mouse just carries his "Bucknard's everfull purse", which keeps him in coin.
I hope this channel never ends love you guys thanks 😊
I forget that Rob refers to himself as "Roger" while in the cell.
wasn't flash amisha common in this world where everyone forgets what happened in the previously
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