This is no ordinary weather – burning wildfires, melting runways, warped roads and overheated hospitals – this is the reality of the UK’s unprecedented heatwave.
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Major incidents have been declared by five fire brigades including London with 10 separate blazes across the capital.
Temperatures above 40 degrees celsius for the first time and records broken in at least 29 sites across England – driven by climate change.
So rapid are the changes that it’s shocked scientific experts.
The mercury hit an all time high at 40.3 in Coningsby in Lincolnshire – a fraction above the earlier high recorded at Heathrow.
This, after the hottest night ever recorded and Scotland also had its hottest ever day.
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"Suggestion,a miracle(from GOD'mother nature. . .)of cold lovely rain'fall,and may ice'cold 'Dr.Pepper',should help": 9–4–2022"
Oh please. The reason everything was on fire was because successive governments have cut back and cut back on the fire service so much there aren't enough firemen or appliances to put the fires (THAT ARE STARTED BY PEOPLE NOT HEAT) out! Believe it or not if it had been 20 degrees everything would have still burnt…… And yes it's a drought big deal, we've had them before, we'll have them again. Next year it'll be cold and wet and that will get blamed on climate change! Good grief.
you ch 4 are liars like all media. you hide the fact that the great reset is behind all this global chaos. but you reptiles will be held accountable from a higher authority.. above mans.
Why Why Why in the heck does London have a Mayor that is not English????????????????????????? Another example of Britain's immigration gone wild exhibits itself!!!
Good 👍
Wow..blame it on the weather. Good one
i knew it was summer i could hear the bullshit from the media and the depressives called the uk public wishing it would rain
well when the depressives get there £4000 gas bills because they cold your gonna wish it was 35degree
Karma hit
We need man made clouds so it can rain.
For our God is all consuming fire
1corinthians 3:15-17 if any mans work shall be burned he shall suffer loss but he himself shall be saved yet so as by fure know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you if any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is Holy which temple ye are
We broke it
Wonder what gas guzzling car this narrator/presenter drives to work everyday. Bet he also enjoys a ludicrously expensive Starbucks coffee which he gives himself most days because he’s doing a “Good Job” yeah well so are a lot of us out there and deserve to be talked down to by the likes of the upper/middle class morons like these reporters.
This is signed that jesus is coming we must pray to one another
You can't be given any assistance from around the capital,all the capital should be right in the middle
A deer can't do anything a bird could only flee.are we not capable?
Observe the intense fraud & deliberate deception here: According to the OFFICIAL London Fire Brigade statistics, the least number of London fires in any one year was in 2019 — 17,993. That, alone, was an average of 49 FIRES A DAY in Greater London. Moreover, the number of Greater London fires has significantly been reduced since 2001. This proves that an increase in co2 does NOT cause an increase in London Fires, being that London Fires have been going down, while co2 has been going up. All the reporters here need to be fired … literally.
Remember every one of those record temperatures were taken at AIRFIELDS , military and civil, these are notorious Urban Heat Islands that distort temperatures UPWARD , the actual peak readings for the U.K could easily be 1-1.5 Deg LOWER.
Please whoever hears please with all the governments and everybody across this world please I play with you stop this climate change stop destroying humanity stop destroying this world deserves this mother Earth that we put all belong to please save this world I beg you for the people the children for humanity we must all come together before it gets even worse before there’s nothing left 🙏 😥🌏
I do think climates do change but this isn't a due to that it's a heat wave and it happens and it's happened forever.. this whole world focusing on climate change is most definitely political and there is an agenda behind it and I hope people can wake up and really look.. don't think for one second that I don't care about nature because I do very deeply.. I also care about the truth.. they have an agenda behind this climate change and you better know it…. Do some research and start looking into what that agenda could possibly be….. It's always a shame to have to look back and say oh my God I wish I would have known because it'll be way too late at that point
the melting ice caps at the poles still act like brakes when the axis tilts. When a train brakes, you can see sparks flying on the track. It is the same with the earth. The ice at the poles is still slowing down the tilting of the earth. When they're melted, there's a hard impact to another degree to the sun. The impact of the earth is cushioned by the weight of the ice. That's why the forests are burning everywhere, because the ice at the poles causes these flying sparks. Sounds stupid. But it's the truth.
So Sad and heartbreaking to watch praying for everyone