I’m once again asking my colleagues in the Senate to look at what is happening around the world and find the courage to stand up to the fossil fuel industry.
I’m once again asking my colleagues in the Senate to look at what is happening around the world and find the courage to stand up to the fossil fuel industry.
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Throw your keys away. Get the horses. If we all walk for 10 years it will change the temperature of the globe .00009 of one degree. If the whole world walks for 10 years it will be better at. .0006 of one degree. Ask a smart guy that knows his shit. Not some A hole that works for the Whitehouse. Those guys barely past their classes. If the ask the smartest people this is their conclusion.
Thank You Bernie! You are the Only one that makes any sense at all.
Bernie Sanders is a star of hope in the black abyss.
Bernie, you have my deepest admiration. Nobody fights for humanity more then you.
Republicans suffer from selective blindness. You are making good sense and are laying out facts that CANNOT be denied but do they listen? Each one of them will have to suffer personally before any one of them admits we are in terrible trouble! They are still supporting fossil fuels for profit while ignoring your warnings. If they can make money, they will regardless of consequences.
Forward this message to your Legislators! They cannot continue to accept money from the fossil fuel industries while feigning ignorance about climate disasters and must be reminded that We, the People, are aware of the destruction happening because of true leaders like Senator Bernie Sanders! #NotMeUs🌎🌍
I live in the NW and every year we're locked in for weeks due to extreme smoke. And that's us being the lucky ones, who knows how long til it's our area that burns? Fall used to be my favorite season, but that is a thing of the past in the NW
Boycott the entire republican party in the upcoming midterm elections.
Unfortunately, we can’t get people to change their ways of doing things. They get hostile if you just suggest cutting down their beef intake. It’s convenient to believe oil, bought,
politicians that say human activity can’t change the climate. That gives people carte blanche to keep doing whatever they want knowing that there are consequences, yet able to pretend there are none. It is recommended that we eat right and exercise, yet many partake of unhealthy diets and lifestyles until they have a heart attack or stroke. It takes something that severe for them to finally make changes. Too many won’t believe until the impact is totally undeniable. Our planet is a beautiful and wondrous place that we have abused to our own peril. There is no stopping the momentum so we average citizens are doomed.
Thanks to fossil fuel's control,
the states of AZ, TX, CA, FL, TN, MS, AR, KY, LA, WA, OR, GA, NV, UT, CO & NM will be boiling hot and/or without water
I really appreciate everything you’ve done to bring the most serious problems to the attention of the world. I don’t know how you keep going, frankly.
Why doesn’t the media follow Bernie like they used to? What does he have to do for the majority of the Senate to take climate change seriously?
This is such important work that needs to be done. Both the advocacy, and enacting the policy.
We can't go back to living on the little house on the prairie if commies are about. First things first. Sorry… Tech and fuel rule because of barbarism. Putler wants to conquer land. Ya can't oppose that with flowers!
This is a compilation of recent speeches, but still very good. Yes, people (those holding public office) need to listen and take appropriate action.
Thank you Bernie Sanders for the education for trying to educate people. I don't know what keeps you going and telling the truth the way it is. 💯♥️
This has happened before and it will happen again. The fossil records and geological records all told us that this happens in cycles, but we didn't prepare, so now the finger-pointing begins. Yes, we need each other. Yes, we have to do something. Fossil fuels alone didn't do this though.* It was happening regardless. We didn't cause it alone. How arrogant! It was like pushing a swing that was already going that way – and we only touched it with our fingertips. The Earth's magnetic field is in flux, weakening daily and we're screaming at people pumping gas at $5/gallon to get to work that is twenty miles away because we can't afford housing where the jobs are. The system is broken because of record profits and zero trickle-down. So we flock to Grandpa Bernie for answers as to why the bad men let this happen, then put a hand out for checks and pay raises.
And all the while, the Earth keeps on changing, along with the other planets, deaf to our pleas for fair treatment. Hey God – wait, nope… tried that and what did that do? If your hands are together in prayer, you are transferring accountability to an invisible man wearing the emperor's new clothes. Find a safe space. Build a community of positive, hard-as-nails people to defend it. Work the land intelligently for as long as you can and store what you can for hard times. Some of us need to keep the species going. It's only a little hotter in spots than usual right now. It's only a little colder in spots than it has been. The Earth has been through massive, fiery heat waves, volcanic winters, lush greening events, and has been completely covered in ice. Did we think we're so special as to never see those happen again because our recorded history is so short? Obstinance at work!
Science had opened our eyes, but now we act; because we finally acknowledge that the wolf is at the door.
* I'm not saying that the coal, natural gas and oil industries aren't terrible. Plastics disgust me. Our wasteful society has been privileged and entitled since industry began in the so-called "Western World." Hard work and quality means far less than it ever has, with open and flagrant exploitation being laudable pursuits. We blame big corporations but it was lobbying and giving over control of our money to a private, centralized bank (the Federal Reserve), which sells us the fiat currency that grew those industries through corrupting politicians and judges.
Nothing of our troubles matters to bankers – The USA was shot through the heart over a hundred years ago, thanks to Wilson. Then every President afterward did their part to lessen the barriers against corruption. When Kennedy tried to go against that, they had him assassinated. He couldn't get back the gold, so he was going to base our currency on silver and issue it through the treasury again – outside the "Federal" Reserve. Don't even get me started on Trump, either – he's just as much for socialism as Bernie, but from the totalitarian angle. I've no horse in this race any longer, thanks to the extremist polarization of the parties. We all live on the same planet! Same team folks!
Robert Reich says he hasn't moved much, politically, since the 60s, but those were quite radical times too. The religious, white right has always been there, but they are a wolf in sheep's clothing these days, knowing that the US is increasingly atheist – or apathetic. Our children are particularly wise to this trick, with easy and damning refutations to disingenuous political rhetoric and religious dogma with a single swipe.
#BernOn and #RageOn
I hate to be a downer, but I'm concentrating on my spiritual journey. I don't see any gope for humanity 😕.
The ultra wealthy and corporate elite are too firmly in control…
The only elected official in DC who is working for us, 💯.
We have to stop the competition and work together with love and respect for one another to save our small planet 🙏🙏🙏
to address the people as this man does on these issues from the house of his senate one would hope that others, senators that is would be present for his information and the presentation but there is no debate to correct what has happened under the watch of these politicians,they negotiate and we the people have no way to hold this house accountable, so where does the money go? it's all pollution.
Bernie, you have Herculean will. I appreciate you more than I can say. Please be well, and take care.
Speak TRUTH to power!
Demand change!
We must do better!
Exactly absolutely agree 💯 Well said brother 👍🏻👍🏻
Truth is Golden ‼
Can anyone tell me how a heat wave literally melts bridges and airplane runways?
Thank you Bernie for caring, history will remember you fondly
🐦 Still the People's Champ! 🥊
He should be our President
But as long as they have air conditioning and access to some fresh of water some kind these pleas for help will fall on deaf ears. The thought is I got mine and the rest can suffer.
a massive heatwave in spain?
i wonder why my son, who lives in andalusia, spain, hasn't mentioned that.
Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz what don’t you understand?
Thank you Senator Sanders 💯
Bless you Bernie for speaking out and keeping them honest!
When people protest due to the decades of injustice the ruling class has put us through we are told from figure heads like Biden to “protest peacefully” and “respect the rule of law” and “violence is never the answer”. That’s very funny considering the US militarized police force and the US military are the most violent groups of people on this planet. Respecting the rule of law is not something the United States government has ever followed when it comes to nations in the global south. These elitist politicians have two sets of rules, one for rich and the other for the poor. How are we to protest a corrupt government that plays by a different set of rules than the common folks? Look at what Bernie is saying and where we are headed. We’ve known this was coming for decades yet the elite politicians did nothing and they were allowed to because the system is rigged in their favor. We can see that they have no intentions of even trying to help fix climate change and never will. We need deep systemic change if we are to achieve any progress on the things Bernie talks about, and I hate to tell the people that think voting down ballot democrat is the answer, because it isn’t. All levels of government vote overwhelmingly in favor of raising the military budget, which is one of the largest polluters in the world. Support for the ridiculous military expenditure is a bipartisan issue and is a direct link in causing climate disaster. I’m babbling all this off to say that it’s not blue vs red, it’s the working people against the elite class and we have to start thinking in that mindset instead of the divisive way they want us to think so we will blame each other instead of them. Bernie is one of the only politicians I think I’ve seen in my lifetime that has actually tried to fight for working class people consistently and not only when it was convenient for political gains and for that I’m eternally grateful to his commitment to compassion for the people of the country. In these disastrous times all we have is each other and we need to remember that before we make a snap judgement on others without knowing them. Having compassion is never a bad thing! Wishing good health to all of you, friends!
Do any of the Republicans show up for these speeches?
The true continues to shine in United States, great…
Good talk. Too bad nobody listened. They were all out to lunch with fossil fuel donors, soliciting bribes.
You are the only honest politician in America and for that we love you
Unfortunately, it looks like voices like this will be unheard. It's likely too late to do anything but build several large boats on top of high mountains. Just a matter of a few years before major cities in North America look like Pakistan. The mega rich are already preparing themselves in their bunkers while their underlings in the ReTrumplican and Conservative parties tell us everything is hunky dory.
Bernie takes big Pharma money! He's on the top 10 list. This really pisses me off! Why is he such a hypocrite!? Climate lockdowns are next.
Senator Sanders, I Would love to see you speak jointly about climate with Senator Whitehouse. I m not American, but I m sure you would have more impact and make more sense than the ecologist in my country, just the two of you.
We have healthcare, unions, state help for families or isolated people, sick leaves, paid leave for holidays… we have lot of the things you fight for… we have pension system that is far from perfect but people for now don t reach retirement age (62 roughly) only to discover the fund in charge of it lost the money…. we tried some stuff i d advise you to avoid implement (some good ideas are sometimes only good on paper). But, seriously, your voice, Senator Whitehouse voice, you two, deserve to be heard worldwide on climate change as you listen science, people going through the catastrophes and you try to find solution, you just don t send the alarm and wait for one to fall from the sky!
Ecologists are not trusted in my country because their policies are regularly nonsense or illogical, and it s always more costly for no reason at all, beyond fact it s ecological. Right now we have unusual weather, you don t hear them. No one talks about our costs that will be underwater… no one say public how the country will look like by 2050 (the Hexagon has 3 sides directly in contact with water!).
I would also love to see younger politicians following in your footsteps… you were probably in advance on your time, but now people seem ready for you and your ideals ! Best of luck with your fights!
So what are we gonna do about it? Make a organisation around the world and hire them to work. Nature give us everything and they can take everything aswell thats mean we belong to the nature because they give us a basic living that every man need for instance plant a tree and bee we will get a 1.medicine (natural remedies) 2.clothing(textile) 3.food(living creature that live among the forest or vegetable) and 4.home (the tree that we plant cut some for making shelter) thats all for just plant a tree, see we got everything just to make a good environment because we are part of the nature its already design for us all by the work of god.if we dont protect nature thats mean you us try to kill our ownself. Me a man who are hopelessness in life and have no where to go and no power in my hand I can just watching to world burn and that make me sad. Lord please make a powerful man repent in time so we will live in harmony like god always want us to live in. Peace Love and Unity.