British Military Guards Must Follow Proper Fainting Protocol

British Military Guards Must Follow Proper Fainting Protocol
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Wanna know how to “faint to attention?” Just feel like watching some people fall over? Make like a royal guard and don’t go anywhere — because we’ve got it all.

#British #UK #RoyalGuard

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About the Author: Grunge


  1. Who the hell is setting these protocols? I would ask them to follow the protocols that they developed. Abolish the King Queen concept. No one is superior to another human. You have Prime minister/ President. Say NO to Royal. Let Royal live a common life. DO NOT SERVE THEM!!! You are not a slave.

  2. Ya. Big ass buffalo hat. They neglected to mention that in addition, they're all wearing thick, wool tunics, high collars buttoned over their throats. Surprising they ALL don't faint just by looking at stupid they all look in that theatrical get-up..

  3. Keep the standards high . This world has eliminated morals and right and wrong. Let's not lower our standards on this too.

    Let the soft stay home in their moms basement with their x box and man bun.

  4. As someone with a fainting condition, I didn't know they are taught on how to faint. I just faint. But it isn't just their uniforms but also the fact that they do lock your knees. Locking your knees will cause you to fall flat on your faint. If you do feel faint, tensing your muscles does help push that blood back to your head.

  5. I understand tradition, but this is borderline cruel, especially during hot days. Why not do away with this strict protocol, or at least on hot days give them hats that don't look like they have a bear cub on their head.

  6. In the USMC, or any other US military branch for that matter, the procedure is the same. The other members at attention do not step in to aid the fallen member. No one moves more than their eyes while in the Position Of Attention. This is part of the discipline needed in times of war and is appropriate military bearing. Proper hydration and not locking your knees is crucial in maintaining blood flow throughout the body (namely the brain). Semper Fi

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