🌀135km/h Hurricane Fiona Leaves Puerto Rico Without Power Today 🇵🇷 September 18 2022 huracán lluvia

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Hurricane Fiona hit Puerto Rico, USA today, September 18th 2022.

135km/h (85mph) winds hit the island, causing widespread disruption.

The entire island was left without power, as electricity supplies failed.

Heavy rain and tidal surges caused heavy flooding, washing away vehicles.

Roads and bridges were destroyed, with landslides causing further damage.

This is the third hurricane of 2022, with the storm also impacting Guadeloupe and the Dominican Republic.


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About the Author: chave weather - daily videos


  1. Heat waves, droughts, fires and heavy rains that cause severe flooding have become more frequent in many parts of the world due to climate change, which affects the entire worldwide population.

    The Earth is facing a “triple planetary crisis,” warn UN officials. Climate disruption, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste are the main areas of concern regarding the current state of the environment. This year, the Earth Day’s theme is “Invest In Our Planet,” so what would humanity's best investment for the planet be?

    We need to start by cleaning up the planet. There is no place on Earth where the air and water are clean, and that's a real problem. In theory, tackling this issue should be our priority when it comes to taking action to improve the dismal state of our planet. But let’s not fool ourselves. Such a plan alone will solve nothing.

    It will only help the international organizations to justify their own existence. They tick off "done" to raise as much money as they want, and that's it. If we do not improve relations between us, we will not be able to achieve the great and ambitious improvement in nature that we want and need to attain globally. We will never achieve a good result through bureaucratic, mechanical measures.

    There are a lot of people sitting in their comfortable offices profiting from the environmental crisis and demanding money and respect. They keep flying from one end of the world to the other on all kinds of missions to make a lot of noise with what they are "doing" and which everyone "needs to hear" as if that alone means something is happening, but in practice we see no real progress. The Earth must also be cleansed of them, of these people who engage in useless campaigns that only cause harm because they mislead the world, leading it away from the real solution.

    The cleaning of the planet should start inside out. If we do not clean the planet from within, and continue with our reckless behavior and the selfish nature of our hearts as before, nothing will change for the better. The immense sums invested in environmental initiatives should be directed to spreading an educational process aimed at improving the way we relate to each other.

    Humans are the most developed and influential factors of all of nature's levels: still, vegetative, animate and human. Since we occupy the highest level in nature, positively affecting the environment, the climate, and nature in general can be achieved by reaching positive relations among us. On the contrary, by letting our divisive drives tear apart human relations, we also destroy our surrounding environment, the very nature that our lives depend on.

    The more we humans are able to correct ourselves by changing our divisive attitudes toward each other into positive attitudes of mutual support, encouragement, mutual responsibility, and reciprocal concern, the more we will receive positive feedback from nature. And the more we develop without making this necessary correction, the more negative feedback we will receive from nature, as we have experienced in the form of natural disasters, pandemics.

    It is of utmost importance for us to organize our thoughts, desires and qualities so that we understand that saving the environment and a shift to a better future depend solely on changing our attitudes to each other: from antagonistic egoism to positive, compassionate and cooperative relationships..


    Repent and call upon His Holy name Jesus for forgiveness of sins.

    Accept Him as Lord & Saviour be born again and be saved. 🙏🕊🌹

  3. En todos los huracanes que he soportado nunca había visto puentes colapsar y ríos fuera de control. Sigue lloviendo y hay vientos fuertes. Dios nos siga sosteniendo.

  4. "There will be epidemics, famine, earthquakes … – this is the beginning of diseases … he who endures to the end will be saved … this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the universe as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come."
    MATTHEW, 24

  5. La Colère du PÈRE envers les rebelles.

    Vous devez changer, pas le Grand « JE SUIS », « JE SUIS » qui « JE SUIS » et JE ne présente aucune excuse pour ce que JE fais. JE ne rends de comptes à personne. Le grand YAHUVEH est en Colère et même MON FILS, celui que JE vous ai donné en tant qu'un SAUVEUR ne peut plus apaiser MA Colère encore longtemps. JE m'apprête à déverser une partie de MA Colère. Prenez garde tous ceux qui se moquent de MOI et de la Parole de YAHUSHUA et qui ont réduit au silence ceux qui ont l'onction de MES Messagers et ont été maltraités, torturés et emprisonnés dans les prisons de l'homme. JE SUIS en Colère ! J'ai prévenu Sodome et Gomorrhe et JE vous mets maintenant en garde encore une fois. Le monde est une Babylone des temps modernes, ce monde. JE SUIS le CRÉATEUR qui exige la Sainteté ; JE place en chaque humain un endroit qui désire la Sainteté et une relation avec leur CRÉATEUR.
    JE n'enverrai pas uniquement les volcans qui feront éruption par des réactions en chaîne, mais JE ferai secouer la terre comme un parent secoue un enfant désobéissant. JE vais secouer pas seulement une section de la terre en même temps, mais plusieurs sections de la terre en même temps. J'enverrai MES PIEDS qui piétineront le sol par colère. Car MA Colère est Grande envers les rebelles qui ont brandi leurs poings dans MON visage, et qui ont dit qu'ils refusaient d'obéir à un livre et aux instructions qui y sont écrites il y a tant de milliers d'années de cela. Pour ceux qui utilisent MON Nom comme un mot de malédiction. Pour ceux qui se moquent du Sang de MON FILS qui a été versé pour eux au Calvaire. J'enverrai les ouragans pour démontrer les larmes que J'ai versées sur MES enfants qui ne se repentent de tous leurs pêchés commis devant Ma Face….
    Message de YAHUSHUA (JÉSUS) à l'humanité.

  6. Mari kita lihat bencana yang terjadi menimpa seluruh bumi. Apakah ini bencana biasa…..? Bagiku tidak ini benar2 akhir jaman cepat bertobat datang minta ampun kepada Tuhan Yesus. Supaya kita mendapat keselamatan suatu saat nanti bersama Dia didalam kerajaan sorga 🙏🙏🙏

  7. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
    [1]This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
    [2]For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
    [3]Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
    [4]Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
    [5]Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Repent Family! Stop sinning and return to our Creator!🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

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