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All of your GameStop and AMC shares should be DRS’ed and placed in ComputerShare, as it is the safest place they can be. For everything else, including day trading in particular, I personally like WeBull. If you use this link, you will get 5 free stocks and help the channel out!
China is in big trouble and we will feel huge waves from their fall!
Awesome video and I thank you for breaking it down!! Despite the economic recession, I'm so happy 😊I have been earning $60,000 returns from my $8,000 investment on short period, I'll be purchasing my dream home soon☺️
Loving the Carlos on the space suit!! ❤
BROOO! new graphics are so dope!!
Stock market can crash all the way down, what a perfect opportunity for those who know. New generational wealth incoming!
AVCT get in before it’s too late
I have to keep looking up your videos manually, as YouTube refuses to recommend them. Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep searching you up.
Do u have to use such a morbid clickbait?
this guy is full of BS, all he is doing is gaining subscribers and more people to join his discord…HE HAS NEVER BEEN RIGHT ON ANYTHING other than his robotic voice!!!
We speak of crime and they can do what they want ECT ECT ECT. So no one is going to make them cover. They do what they want. They lose all the short interest and have to pay a fine. That turns into a tax right off. WTFF
Crime rate doubled because of Kenny, priceless!😂😂😂
Super content, as always. Your take on macroeconomics is spot on.
I am new to the stock market. Every stock that I bought so far, I was out of luck because I bought them when they were expensive. I feel I missed out on all the stock opportunities so far for the tech stocks.I believe having 75K yearly income would be a good investment so I want to plug all my savings into the stock market. I know this sounds a bit dull but I would like to know if I should learn investing or let somebody else (more capable like a FA) do it for me? Please share your thoughts. I am kind of tired of searching for a good stock to buy and losing all the good opportunities
Anyone thinking switching over to digital currency is a good idea is a fool. This gives bank and government control of your money and of you . The US government like many countries around the world will follow China's social credit score model, ask the citzens of China how thats working out for them. Once they have everyone switched to digital currency we will be forced into the NWO, "Where you will own nothing and be happy". No more freedom and those of you bitching endlessly about opression are going to get a heavy dose of it for the remaineder of you life. Play stuip games, win stupid prizes. Back the US dollar with gold and end the FED.
Thanx 4 the insights & support. A Belgian Ape 😉
I never understood why everyone put so much hope in the SEC last year or two. They will never do anything until people make them. I've never protested anything but that's what it would take. Pressure. People in the streets.
It wasn’t literally a rollercoaster. It was figuratively a rollercoaster as it didn’t physically turn into a theme park ride. It resembled one.
Great Vidio .
SEC can buy coffee with that money and watch porn
Love the new custom visuals, Carlos! 👏🏼
AMC to 10k all under is not the moass🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍🔥🔥💎💎❤
Keep it up
59 comments but only👇🏻this one showing 😂
I don’t want us to give up
Excellent video Carlos! Thank you
Thanks for sharing
I'm not phased by the hike, I welcomed it, and am looking forward to a complete economic crash, aswell as a change over to digital currency. I welcome this because it will be change and it will open up doors for others to prosper from change. Stay strong friends we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.
Holding to the MOON $160,000k…..would you sell your car for $5? would you sell your mansion for $10,000,000? YEs. hedgors want your AMC–the Apes have caused them to lose $193,000,000 million second quarter 2022, they only have 3 qrts left to cover.
thanks for the video, helps me summarize what i've read all day, makes sure i didnt miss a topic.