Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE’s). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
Hysterectomy Led Me To The Other Side | Near Death Experience | NDE
I Died During Post Op And Was Visited By Spirits From The Other Side | NDE
Voice Stopped Him From Drowning After Being Lost At Sea | NDE | Near Death Experience
I Saw The Other Side During My NDE | Near Death Experience
Suicide Attempt Led Her To God | Near Death Experience | NDE
I Spent Time With Jesus During My Near Death Experience | NDE
Lifelong Atheist Becomes Believer After Remembering His Near Death Experience | NDE
I Experienced Gods Love | Near Death Experience | NDE
I Saw My Future Kids In Heaven | Near Death Experience | NDE
I Saw My Future Kids In Heaven | Near Death Experience | NDE
Demons Showed Me Earth’s Future | Near Death Experience | NDE
Lightening Strike Led Me To Jesus | Near Death Experience | NDE
God Showed Me This In Heaven | Near Death Experience | NDE
God Showed Me My Future | Near Death Experience | NDE
My Mother Gave Me A Choice | Near Death Experience | NDE
I Spoke With A Dead Friend During My Near Death Experience | NDE
God Sent Me Back | Near Death Experience | NDE
After Drowning I Walked With Jesus | Near Death Experience | NDE
Attempted Murder Led To My Near Death Experience | NDE
Near Death Experience, Was This Heaven? | NDE
I Questioned God During My NDE | Near Death Experience | NDE
#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
The US volcano was probably Yellowstone; that caldera is about due for an eruption. As far as I’m aware, there’s no way to prevent it, and it would cover numerous cities and the atmosphere in ash, resulting in global famine from cooler air and less light reaching the surface. The air explosions I’m hoping aren’t nuclear in nature, related to war? I’m hoping we don’t end up in nuclear conflict.
Talk about recalling every single little detail.
They are hallucinating! The mind plays tricks. Happens often
Also in the flesh we only have 10% recall it seems he would have about 80% recall not likely
This guy's so funny he has no clue a flesh dream or sour pickle I would assume
All these future stories contradict each other
So lovely, thank you for sharing! I didn't want to come back either smile ☺
It's called tripping
Posted on the video I watched after this: I think they are deceived.
Here is my problem with this. Many people even on this channel say they die and meet Jesus and they say that they have been shown the future. But they contradict. One person said in a video that NDE's cant be Satan deceiving people. And the fact that these contradict make me think that is exactly what is happening. I just watched 2 in a row. Both said people wouldn't believe them and people thought they were crazy. The last video said both Koreas reunite and start WW3 when they attack their neighbor. It said a volcano erupts and collapses the US government. This video says that the US divided into 2 countries and gets invaded by China for WW3 that lasts 7 years… WHICH IS IT??? BOTH say that Jesus told them!!! One or both is lying or was deceived….
I'm only here to ask..
Also listen..
Is there a Rose Covered Gas Mask
That takes over the world with electronic bluegrass music🔥🤘🤣
In the future
All jokes aside… this get pretty deep
I honestly wish only the best for all are future.. real blessings love and connections 2 All🌍🌏🌎🙏
Dear Jesus I can't stop smoking Crack. My baby momma dont want nothing to do with my sorry ass. And my dog won't stay in my MOTHER FUCKING TRUCK!! Baby momma awkward Saint deliver me from ebil.
Why always those creatures with humanlike form HAVE BLUE EYES? White hair and most are white in skin colour? What does that mean? We, on Earth, are categorized soul level through eye colour? Blue eyes = higher level, more special souls. Brown eyes = elementary soul level, wooden palace?! Does blue eyed soul meets blue eyed creature/angel/archangel/Christ? And brown eyes meet brown eyed creature? Asian soul meets asian creature? Just wondering whether our physical appearance was on purpose to categorize us
I don’t want to live I n a place without nature
Sounds like they act alive from bill and Ted's excellent adventure
So, is there any message for how we can save our planet Earth ?……. Really great experience…… explained in a simple way…..
I don’t believe this! This is not the way it’s going. Your thoughts create your future reality! Is that the reality y’all want in the future? Use your imagination and feel the feeling of already living it!
Wonderful story, Thanks.
Don't believe a word of this crap,gold doors?,why would they need doors,keeping what out and what in with these doors,fuck I can't go on as its boring the fuck out of me.
I’m curious to know why nde’s are different for everyone. I would think that there is a set afterlife, people would experience the same thing. Makes ya think
Repeat. You do such an awesome job, so this total regurgitation of a previous NDE was total let down.
There are two visions of earths future. I asked why one was so dark thinking pollution. I was told no there are dark forces that people are inviting in. The other earth sparkled.
Three minutes in and this is sooooooo dope.
Jesus please forgive me for all my selfish ways and i will do better i am so grateful for my life and family in Jesus name I 🙏 pray Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️ 😌
There is no heaven!
Jesus PLEASE deliver me from addiction. Please please please. I am suffering so much. ,:( I'm so tired I just want to be free 🙁
Yeah there dna don't match Christ dna the black Americans DNA results says ab as Christ dna which is a perfect match
There's a lot of research going into DMT at the moment, mainly for the use of psychedelics in treating PTSD, and other mental health issues. The early signs for positive results are very promising, but one of the outcomes has been out of body experiences very much like when someone reports NDEs. Now I'm not here to deny nor am I here to advocate for my beliefs or anyone's I'm just reporting on two experiences that are sounding more similar every time new info is released. So the reports state that after a high dose of DMT, usually three big puffs, will result in patients going into a trance like state lasting around 15 minutes, with most of them reporting the same visions or something very similar. Nearly every trip starts with the patient leaving their body, then flying through a tunnel towards light materialising in space, from here they go on to experience meeting other worldly beings, some describe meeting angels, others aliens, and even gods, all tell of meaningful exchanges most positive and helpful all report the entities as being very intelligent, and possessing great knowledge of the patients life and a with vast understanding of their problems. Most report after being helped and many who were non believers confess to becoming religious. I'm no expert on this but from what I've looked into these entities seem to be informing us that life is not the end, but seems to be an experience we choose to have,to learn and grow, like I said I'm no expert and it's early days in the tests. DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a hallucinogen that when taken in large amounts brings on the above mentioned experiences. Interestingly it was discovered recently it occurs naturally in the human brain, maybe when we take enough it helps us to bridge a gap between our every world and another where our spirits reside. I have just found it very interesting and thought others may, another thing the patients have not met and all report similar experiences, entities etc, I have seen strangers describe seeing the same looking entities and conversing telepathically with them to be told don't worry too much this world your in is not the end, it's not everything they almost find it funny how attached and worried we get about our life's here on earth.
This is beautiful.
Jesus is Lord 🙏
Please Pray For me ! My Name is Chris Jordan- I Need Help … I Love You Guys – thanks in advanced
No, I don't go to church. Really don't understand all that redeeming and being saved bullshit. Saved from what????? I do the right thing on a daily basis!!! I pray for others, I am kind to strangers. Even those with whom I do not share the same views or who quite plainly irk the hell out of me, I am respectful towards. i do not suffer fools gladly. I will become a scary asshole when you try to take advantage of me. Just be a good person, it's not hard!!
Wonderful 🌸 Thank you .
After everything is destroyed, then peace and love on earth
It is the 1000 years he is talking of
I pray for people, all over the World, I will pray for you too!