40 Tragic Moments When Jackals Fight The Wrong Opponent – Animals Fighting.
A small but extremely intelligent and agile hunter, the jackal is considered a friend by lions and they often give food to each other. But even big cats often make mistakes in life so jackals are no exception, let’s explore 40 tragic moments when jackals fight with animals fighting.
Wandering leisurely on the road, suddenly from the bushes a leopard rushed out to catch the jackal. It seemed that today would be the apocalypse of the jackal, but fortunately it escaped the control of the leopard. He was luckily returned to this life from death
Domestic dogs are slaughtering a wild creature which has been tried to tame by man. Look at the jackal, it was very panicked and scared.
These 2 hunters are trying to defeat an antelope. Due to the size difference, knocking down prey is extremely difficult. animals fighting,So the jackal then attacked the 4 legs of the prey until it was in severe pain and lay down.
This mommy cheetah has hunted a prey and signaled her cubs to come and eat. But they are not allowed to eat in peace when the jackal constantly makes noises that make the cheetah family really uncomfortable. In the end, they had to leave, leaving their prey for hyenas and jackals.animals fighting
And now you are watching an extremely funny and dramatic game. The jackal kept running around the bushes to let the cheetah chase him. Then the cheetah unexpectedly came back but its enemy was still lucky enough to survive.animals fighting
This mother and child antelope family are trying to resist the hunting of jackals. It was such a great mother who constantly lunges at its enemies and uses the head to attack the jackals. But 1 could not beat 2, the mother was forced to watch its child being eaten.animals fighting
In an environment where food resources are scarce, the best thing right now are predators that cannibalize each other. 3 cheetahs stalked the jackal from afar and suddenly started a dramatic chase. Although jackals are small and their speed is far behind cheetahs, they are extremely clever, they run around in circles to slow down cheetahs and can cause ankle injuries for them.
One of the impala’s legs was disabled, but it was still very strong with his long, curved horns. Jackals are also very cautious when attacking their prey near the flax, they can get the impala’s horns in the abdomen or the flax will hurt their skin.
00:00 animals fighting
00:30 jackals fight
01:54 jackals fight impala
04:15 jackals fight leopard
07:38 jackals fight tiger
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This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: animalsfightusa@gmail.com
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Awesome video .
your animals fighting video is very good
The jackal that killed the wildebeest's baby is so sad
Jackals Fight
Carnivores are brutal
the jackals they hunt are so smart
Normally I don't watch this type of video but I'm glad I did. I can't bear to see animals in distress but all of these aggressors got their just desserts. Very well done.
I'm not sure the rhino and cape buffalo were actually fighting. It looked like they were playing, as some house pets of differing species sometimes do. If it had really been a fight, the horn would have been aimed to penetrate the buffalo, not under it.
I have to imagine the Australian Butcher Bird is of the same family as the shrike, it also impales it's prey on a spikey twig. Apart from being murderous, it is the best songbbird I've ever heard.
The lizard wasn't trying to scare the dog with his tail he was using it as a weapon, I guess you've never been struck by a lizard's tail it leaves raised Mark's where ever they hit you.
No,the lioness had cubs and the hippo destroyed her jaws when it had her entire head in it's enormous mouth! It's hard to look at her lower jaws just hanging down from her head as she walked, the poor thing couldn't even drink water. She suffered a terrible death! Idk how it happened for sure but her outcome with that hippo was grizzly…
We could all learn from the animals how life is meant to be
As usual, there's bits of compelling footage here and there, but the editing and misinformation in the video is absolutely appalling.
Doesn't live up to the title. It's some non-bloody, inconclusive fighting of animals.
Roosters are fearless. I have one, we always kept chicken. When they fight, they either win or lose with scars or death. That "large red rooster" in the video is a Malay or jungle fowl or a similar specie. They are bred mainly for cockfighting. Their height can reach 1 meters too.
I love how most of these battles are so brutal… both animals get in, walk away
Don't worry , it's the law of nature♻️
The person who writes the script for these videos is a NON-NATIVE English speaker. He then pays native speakers to narrate.
jackals fight like big cats
great fighting moments
it's the best video i've ever watched love animals fighting moments
great i will come back to watch your animals fighting
very scared when they fight but i would love to see your video
so good they fight really well
animals fighting video is so helpful it makes me relax
animals fighting I love to watch
you do very well with very good animal fighting videos
I will subscribe to your channel to see more animals fighting videos
poor animals, jackals are brutal but I still love watching animals fighting
the videos are so brutal animals fighting you can stand to film them
animals fighting is very good they fight very brutally
animals fighting
animals fighting to save your life to make money, right?
I saw in the video 1 domestic dog kills jackals
Have you seen animals fighting brutal?
The fighting jackals are brutal but the animals fighting video is very good
They fight so brutally
but the jackal is very skilled at hunting animals fighting video is so good
jackals fight like wild dogs, i love watching videos animals fighting