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#MindWarehouse #IncredibleMoments #CaughtOnCamera #interestingfacts
A new unknown Pokémon, an incredible watersprout and epic avalanches – check out the most impressive videos in this selection!
For copyright matters please contact us at: copymanager.mn@gmail.com
Some comments are totally hysterical! THANKS
Great videos and comments guys, here, have my like
I guess CC can't pronounce the volcano at 2:00. It came up as hunger Tonga hunger pie.
7.10 you know thats dumb yanks, jokes of the planet
That dirst clp should be taken down. Spining a beaing with air, is dangerous! I personally know 2 people permanently injured from doing that. One lost a eye. The bearings can grenade.
Gum bros who want's to try that but lift?
You got tens of millions. Why not have a gas pump at home. 5000 gallon tank done
Apparently that bear entering the garage is destined for be killed because it is deemed as a danger.
Lake Tahoe Fisheries & Wildlife kill the "over-friendly" bears for coming too close to people instead of looking for better alternatives such as re-homing them in a zoo and I think that absolutely stinks.
@11:22 I always LOL at 3rd world roads, that can be completely fixed with one word " Irrigation "
Wild Wild Wild, West 🤔
This is incredibel, mindblowing. 💯💥💞👋🤩
This is the best thing ever…..😂😂😂😂
Ok…. What’s a Pokémon?
I was wondering how the guy fixed the water main without drowning!!
2:45 What do you have to do? Be poor
Just discovered this channel and already been through tons of vids. Content is great!
I think is more likely for SHIBA , BTC & ETH to retest the resistance to the upside and then move lower. But as always,things change on a daily basis and all we can do is to trade responsibly and keep track of the markets and re-evulates our strategy frequently. I want to thank you Carl invest80 for being my source of crypto education .as I'm comfortably making 2.4 BTC……
The Soul Powers the Heart!"
Get right with Yeshua/Jesus, or be left with Lucifer/Satan. Get those sins forgiven, while U still have breath "Don't gamble with your eternal Soul!."
When the sheep was carrying the pail. "This is ewe running to get some breakfast at the buffet hotel" lol
4:51 it looks like a cat stretching its legs and releasing its claws lol
4:00 the background music fit the video lmao
1:19 it's called ✨water tension✨
00:17 "Switch to full screen" Yeah, I did, but the crappy portrait-mode videos ony use 1/3 of my screen.
0:18 I tried switching to full screen, but it stays in portrait mode. 😒
7:12 … Ok break your hand you massive alpha dog you. Guess this class included some cute females. Also 8:05 … The only difference is his rig has a horse instead of a motor. What's running the hydraulics there Jedidiah? The FORCE?
Cumon, why do people,film in the shitty mode