I was rewatching the Total Drama series and I thought, “I know this is a cartoon but these people should be dead.” And so I compiled a compilation of every time someone should have been killed on the show. I will probably do seasons 2-5.2 as well if this video performs well. If you want to debate certain clips in the comments I will defend my reasoning.
Also here is the leaderboard if anyone is wondering (These are from my notes some might be wrong)
Owen: 23
Izzy: 23
Heather: 7
Trent: 6
DJ: 6
Harold: 6
Geoff: 6
Gwen: 5
Cody: 5
Leshawna: 4
Lindsay: 4
Duncan: 4
Courtney: 3
Chef: 3
Beth: 2
Bridgette: 2
Sadie: 2
Tyler: 2
Ezekiel: 2
Katie: 1
Eva: 1
Noah: 1
Justin: 1
Interns: 1
Some Random Kid: 1
Chris: 0
Izzy was like: "im gonna be the one who is gonna die the most,, And whenever someone stole it she took it back utill the end
2:36 ahhhhhhhh
Cabbage Owen and Izzy have exceeded the deaht tool
This was my favorite show back when I was a kid
8:31 Owen's face when he says spine
8:33 Izzy couldn't let Owen take the lead
I hate that they change crap to no when literally it's not a cuss word and there are some hilarious scenes in total drama. Especially the Heather one🤣
I liked how no one survived
I'd consider Beth in the Intro to be a death
Honestly a lot of these "deaths" are overeacted, DJ could survive a bunch of wild but small forest animals biting him, Leshawna and Heather could survive a fall from a a waterfall, and more.
U forgot to make the counter go up when Courtney got crushed by that light thing
Hearing the Total Drama theme after all these years makes it sound so nostalgic!
6:18 9:30 10:05 total death counter doesn't go up
9:52 total death counter goes up by two but only Owen seems to be in danger here. (This counters one of the total death counter not going up errors.)
10:36 ok, what specifications are there for there being three deaths here, no more, no less?
why do non fatal injuries count to the death counter ???
1:50 "that seems safe enou-"
Uh uh bro 🤣
This video should be a lot longer.
Technically speaking anyone can survive any fall into water if the water is deep enough.
Poor trent
What about the part when Heather threw the boat at Tyler at DodgeBrawl?
okay but like people compare chris to junko and like i love junko but chris bro- how many deaths has junko gotten? and chris??? chris is like gotta be over 400 ☹
i can’t believe there’s no dodgebrawl death here
You forgot Cody getting mauled by a bear lol
in reality they are all alive because right at the end of the intro the supposedly dead are gathered talking at the campfire
That looked painful… EVEN for the Sharks!
EDIT: R.I.P. Harold's nuts.
i dunno if theyd die from that cliff dive alone… but other than that
Rip everyone and Cody screamed like a kid
1. 10:18 time stamp, how did Heather got double death?
You forgot to add Trent’s puffer fish incident to the death counter.