Every Time Someone Should Have Died In Total Drama Island

Every Time Someone Should Have Died In Total Drama Island
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I was rewatching the Total Drama series and I thought, “I know this is a cartoon but these people should be dead.” And so I compiled a compilation of every time someone should have been killed on the show. I will probably do seasons 2-5.2 as well if this video performs well. If you want to debate certain clips in the comments I will defend my reasoning.
Also here is the leaderboard if anyone is wondering (These are from my notes some might be wrong)
Owen: 23
Izzy: 23
Heather: 7
Trent: 6
DJ: 6
Harold: 6
Geoff: 6
Gwen: 5
Cody: 5
Leshawna: 4
Lindsay: 4
Duncan: 4
Courtney: 3
Chef: 3
Beth: 2
Bridgette: 2
Sadie: 2
Tyler: 2
Ezekiel: 2
Katie: 1
Eva: 1
Noah: 1
Justin: 1
Interns: 1
Some Random Kid: 1
Chris: 0


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About the Author: Stickfan


  1. Honestly a lot of these "deaths" are overeacted, DJ could survive a bunch of wild but small forest animals biting him, Leshawna and Heather could survive a fall from a a waterfall, and more.

  2. 6:18 9:30 10:05 total death counter doesn't go up
    9:52 total death counter goes up by two but only Owen seems to be in danger here. (This counters one of the total death counter not going up errors.)
    10:36 ok, what specifications are there for there being three deaths here, no more, no less?

  3. okay but like people compare chris to junko and like i love junko but chris bro- how many deaths has junko gotten? and chris??? chris is like gotta be over 400 ☹

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