Rescued Cat giving birth to 3 kittens first time | Cat rescue

Rescued Cat giving birth to 3 kittens first time | Cat rescue
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Rescued Cat giving birth to 3 kittens first time | Cat rescue

About 24 hours after delivery jazz became very protective of her kittens. She was charging me and screeching. So bite gloves are needed right now. She still wants me to pet her, she’s purring and rubbing on me, but when I first come to her or if I make a quick movement she will charge. Makes me wonder if she experienced some kind of trauma in the past after delivering her kittens…maybe someone took them away. But l just remind her I’m not going to hurt them and I’m just here to take care of her, and them.

Hopefully she will soon remember that she likes me.

Cat Giving Birth to 5 Kittens With
Complete Different Color

Cat Giving Birth: Cat Gives Birth To 5
Kittens-Part 1

How to Help your Cat during Delivering
Kittens Cat give Birth for the first time

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About the Author: Cat's World


  1. Hay que asco que se permite embarazos y nacimiento de estas cosas…no debieron nisiquiera amamantar se…y si ya la gata de a luz hay que separar los imediatamente a la gata al nacer para qur nunca se le despierte instincto maternal y que estos estorbos queden desprotejidos y sin ayuda🤬solo estorban y hacen dano y exigen la comida embez de buscar se solos su comida si quieren sobrevivir!!!!!!

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