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A toddler was filmed balancing on the railing of crib with glowing eyes and wailing in the middle of the night. Little Conner Booth’s parents were shocked when they saw the nanny cam video. First he climbs up the side of his crib then does the impossible, steadying himself on the top rail for a remarkable 22 seconds before falling backwards onto the mattress. While many believe it is fake, parents Chuck and Kate Booth say it is 100 percent real, “I assure America this is real.” #InsideEdition
Bros spider man
Pray! Get the Devil OUT OF HERE the the baby doesn't deserve this!
Why do they seem proud of it being real and then joke about it?? 😳
This is American parenting…we Asians laugh at u people
Look at his parents face I can see a devil
They didn't shy and face a reporter with their evil smile
We have to get God to do this
je just tryna do t pose
Lol 😂😂
Give them the kid
hes just mad his brother ate his mcdonalds
Poor baby cried like hell out
It shook me from top to bottom 😣
Such careless parents
i dont know why this fools keep their baby alone in next room
I seen this on tiktok
Fake. I mean we've never caught inside edition in any lies knowing the stories were fake and still showing them.
He's just a future tight rope walker & he's mad about it.
This made me wanna cry 😭😭 I love baby’s so much I can’t stand see them cry that much 😭
He just wants Dino nuggets
btw its april fools day oon this video LOL
nope the baby is hungry and wants a diaper change all babies do this
Idk I believe in demons but this just seems like a baby being a baby. If Babies can swim they can balance there tiny 15 pound bodies on a rail. Not hard.
it looks like he reaching for someone?
Stop talking over the video idiot.
No if all had the innocence of a child all would enter tye kingdom of heaven
Can't posses a child for his innocent
Ancestors coming back for revenge.
Holy cow
This is insane
Stupid parents didn't help the poor baby.
This just looks like child neglect to me.
Fake 😉
That's when you call the inlaws to watch your "baby" heh.
Everyone say “ With god everything is safe, protected, frog u satan”
Wait til 2027
What wonderful parent 👏 for not being there 👏 smh
This why I don’t want kids anymore. Cause I’d be terrified if that happened to me. I’d run out,I don’t care.
hes just going super saiyan
I hate tom break this to all of you but this is not nothing new how a child can do this at this age. My younger brother and I had double pneumonia and it was in 1963 and they had to cover our babybeds with huge rope nets to try and keep us from doing this type of thing over and over again. We went threw I think our parents told us it was like six or seven of these nets and they still could not stop us from getting out of our cribs, so NO this isn't anything extra ordinary about a two to three year old doing something like this. We were caught standing up on the sides and the ends of the cribs in the hospital.
watching this now is really nostalgic
for a second i thought he fell onto the floor instead of the matress xD
Forget the parents. Does anyone actually have any theories here that could debunk a supernatural explanation? I’m a skeptic but this is unreal, I can’t think of any explanation no matter how ridiculous to debunk this other than the supernatural..
Seems a bit off because I bet they use a green suit. I don't know how to explain but you guys know what I mean
This is creepy. Not only is this not possible, but I dunno what to say BUT a ghost. Also, if you look closely at 0:31, an "orb" of some sort comes out from under the crib.
How did the parants not hear that???!!!!
How did the parants not hear that???!!!!
Baby isn’t possessed he’s being held by an entity. Poor baby should be sleeping ima room with his parents & the family should be cleansed of demonic strongholds. 🧼 🧽