Iconic kids tv hosts Dck and Dom talk about being kicked off ‘Celebrity Ghost Trip’ and their unexplainable experiences when they visited the most haunted mansion in the UK! Jack also shares his own paranormal experience from Harwich Redoubt Fort…
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Spooky stuff! Do you have a paranormal experience? Leave it below in the comments and we'll pin the best one! 🇳🇺
Jack's new trim makes him look like a forex trader on insta
Something happend the other week as I'm playing xbox In the living room I was playing r6 and during that I had my phone charger on the desk my drink and some chocolate during this I hear a bang and when I come off to charge my phone the charger as I left my phone charger was still as I left it but it had snapped? Can anyone explain this
who remembers the legends of dick and dom that was one of the best shows ever
Dick & Dom where such an icon part of so many peoples childhood!
Omg Dom’s Kerry Katona impression 😂
I’ve met Dick and Dom and they are absolutely hilarious
That coach trip.. thought was going to be the best coach trip. was fuming when they’d got put off coach, after they left never watched the rest. They got put off coach coz they don’t believe in ghosts.. wtf?
This happened to my dad and uncle
Dom and dick. What legends
I’m seeing these tonight for my student night 😭
I absolutely adored Dick and Dom when I was younger! What a way to start a Saturday morning 🙂 they were so iconic and funny, the best in the business when it came to kids/teens entertainment. Happy they have enjoyed such a long and successful career. Two total hero’s and would love if you guys got them back on happy hour again in the future 😁
They legit do look pretty much the same as they did when I was a kid!
You said in your other video that camera was filming too high…
Three scratches is quite a common thing and is possible to happen naturally. That, or a demon has followed me for 20+ years.
Oh man I am really scared. Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What is this? What is this? There's a, there's a, a wetness coming from my pants. It’s starting to form a pool on the floor, are you getting this?
Dick and Dom are childhood heroes of mine. Proper miss seeing them on CBBC all the time
“And it all went quiet and this voice came out of the machine that went…”
More ghost podcasts omg I love it. Dick and dom aswell I was so happy to see these vids!!
wheres the full podcast video versions gone?
I love spooky talk
This video is not long enuf lol
This is so surreal seeing Dick and Dom it's been 14 years since I saw them on TV
2 blokes trying to cling on to some fame and relevance. Sad to see
I was a total non-believer in the paranormal, until I had my experience. I was in my teens and home alone when my parents went out for the evening. I was going to bed and could t find my door keys to lock up the house. Long story short, I felt a strange sensation of being turning to the partially open door from the hallway and my keys come flying over the top of the door landing squarely between my feet. Weirdest inexplicable experience in my life, given it was only me in the house!
love these 2
I'm so pissed this pod is on Spotify. I've been subscribed to another music app for years and have such a good collection I don't wanna let it go lol I will not cross over to spotify
hearing Dom say fuck will never be normal to me
I’m so thankful my hairline good poor lad. Jack lookin like a sailor boy
Is that Paul schouls
Dick and Dom good memories
Man it’s easy to get sucked in, I just can’t believe any of it
Dom walked passed me with his kids in Cornwall, I had my.kids with me aswell. Wish I'd said hello now, nice bloke.
whenever I hear them swear I feel like my childhood was betrayed hahaha but I love them alot
Jack got that sea lion look today 😂
Who would of though Stevie’s hair would look better then Jacks!
Absolute Staples of my childhood. So wild seeing them again. Thank you for influencing me to get detention for playing bogeys in IT 😂
Dick & Dom are that ingrained into my childhood, hearing Dom swear was genuinely shocking.
Seeing dick and Dom swear is so surreal I remember their old stuff
Wow dom just swore and I feel weird ha ha
Thanks for ruining my good night's sleep Jackie boy ✌
I would watch a Dick and Dom do crazy experiences style show as just 2 blokes because they are naturally funny because how good friends they are.
I never really believed in ghosts/spirits until I went to Edinburgh Vaults, We was in one of the rooms and my right side of my body was warm but my left hand suddenly went cold felt like a touch which left me confused as my hand was in my pocket, I didn’t mention anything but then the tour guide explained one of the ghosts/spirits liked putting his hands in pockets/ holding peoples hands, such an amazing/scary experience I highly recommend it!
Dick & Dom are absolute legends, love them so much