How To Get The BEST Weapons EARLY & FREE In Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt Red. It is scheduled to be released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Stadia, and Xbox One on 10 December 2020, and for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S in 2021. The story takes place in Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customizable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.
Cyberpunk 2077 is played in a first-person perspective as V, a mercenary whose voice, face, hairstyles, body type and modifications, background, and clothing are customizable. Stat categories—Body, Intelligence, Reflexes, Technical, and Cool—are influenced by the character classes that players assume, which are NetRunner (hacking), Techie (machinery), and Solo (combat). V must consult a “ripperdoc” to upgrade and purchase cyberware implants; black markets offer military-grade abilities. The rarity of any given equipment is shown by a coloured tier system. V can take cover, aim, run, jump, double jump, and slide. Melee strikes can be dealt with close-combat weapons. There are three types of ranged weapons, all of which can be customised and modified—Power (standard), Tech (which penetrate walls and enemies), and Smart (with homing bullets). Ranged weapons are equipped to ricochet bullets in a target’s direction and slow them down in bullet time. Four types of damage can be inflicted and resisted—Physical, Thermal, EMP, and Chemical. Weapon use increases accuracy and reloading speed, which are manifested in character animations. Gunsmiths repair and upgrade weapons. The game can be completed without killing anyone, with non-lethal options for weapons and cyberware.
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I'm having issues with trophies not popping shoot the guy that throws a grenade does not pop I've done it multiple times if anybody knows please help
Thank you
so why fid you skip showing how to enter the basement? or did you not figure it out and steal clips?
Tag, question for you:
I’d tuned out on Cyberpunk a while back, no reason. Just had other stuff I wanted to play. Came back randomly. Had no clue 1.6 was dropping.
Prior to 1.6 I found myself saying, “They really cleaned this up. Glitches, bugs, all that crap seems to gone. Completely!” 1.6 dropped to my surprise and I had a *markedly noticeable* uptick in bugs, glitches, and crashes .
You, anyone else notice this? Playing on PS5.
Went to lizzies yesterday. No pistol though
Skippy’s song is Rihanna – Disturbia lol
how to get bottom of Lizzie's bar?
HOLY CRAP Ive been gone from Youtube and Cyberpunk since I last saw your original Skippy video and you’re at 1mil subs now!??? Congrats my dude!! Keep up the good work!
Mate, I started again after watching the Skippy clip. 😁🍻
You can get Fenrir MP (setting bad guys on fire) in act 1 by doing the monk rescue quest in the northwest corner of Watson. It´s sitting in the warehouse where you have to off the maelstorm dudes and rescue the monk and is waiting for someone to grab it. It is very OP, just hit someone once or twice, wait a few seconds and there toast – literally
this is Excellent
I got a badass pistol from the padre after you finish his gigs pretty cool looking and has alot of goood damage
I shit you not, Lizzie will literally carry you through the entire game if you level scale it, don’t even have to upgrade the rarity
Okay am I the only one that thinks Lizzie pistol is the same pistol that Rebecca use when she shot her bro hand???
fuvk i have to restart now cause i choosed stone cold killer or what?
i have a question why is it when i use those weapons it deals no damage even to the lowest level enemy it deals nothing i got the shoutgun from rebacca called gut and it normaly deals about 2000-4000 damage but when i use ist only deals like 100 damage and when i start the fight and a enemy hits me from the is a electric explosion that hits me all the time and i die instant and it happens with every enemy no matter how strong they are i get killed from everything and my weapons are not dealing the damage they shoud does someone know why or has the same problem
Better note that Skippy's a temporary weapon. The little guy will go all one-ring like and make you return it to Regina.
Wish I knew Hayward has a progression requirement lol. Died on my way 😂
Skippy. His humming is Lady Gagas Pokerface.
Early game…
I know dam well it’ll take me at least 20ish hrs to even do the heist cuz my ocd kicks in every time and I gotta do all the side gigs and ncpd markers
How isnt Guts included in this?
The end of this video came rather unexpectedly.
Something to note about upgrading. When you upgrade the rarity of an iconic item from rate to epic or epic to legendary it will also be upgraded to your current level. So it's best to wait as long as you can in order to save upgrade materials as keeping legendary weapons at your level gets expensive.
great video straight to it
Can you still get the Lizzie gun after the prologue?
lizzies server room doesn;t open for me
Testing weapons while having legendary short cirquit quickhack equipped is kinda pointless dont you think?
Will the guns will be not in their place anymore when you completed the mission?
The Lizzie isn't spawning for me
Any op shotguns or revolvers?? Be a cool vid.
You don't actually have to make 50 kills with Skippy you just have to have it in one of your weapon slots while you get the 50 kills. I got the switch dialog last night just grinding kills with quickhacks lol.
Another great weapon to get early on in the game is also found in Konpeki plaza. This is the Kongou pistol. Not only is it a solid pistol, it's also has one of the best looking models in the game, alongside some awesome animations! The Kongou allows bullet ricochets even without the relevant cyberware and you can essentially bounce bullets around corners. Bullets will attempt to lock on to nearby enemies after bouncing, so it is actually really accurate and effective!