In todays episode of hidden video game details we take a look Call Of Duty Black Ops attention to details, Batman Arkham Asylum attention to details, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite attention to details, Hell Pie attention to details, Red Dead Redemption 2 attention to details, Dead By Daylight attention to details, Call Of Duty World At War attention to details and more!
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More videos like this one:
Maneater Easter Eggs & Secrets: https://bit.ly/3ensRbM
The Last Of Us Part 2 Easter Eggs: https://bit.ly/2WcWhmA
Video Game Easter Eggs Series: https://bit.ly/2yvwtcP
Cool Video Game Details Series: https://bit.ly/3foPwWU
Call Of Duty Easter Eggs: https://bit.ly/2yz6mBR
The Best Of Captain Eggcellent: https://bit.ly/2WhhddA
Music used – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQT6WMJ-Fco
Where is my mo monkey
im glad we could change ur life for the better, knowing u can be a present father and ur doing great is enough for us ❤
keep it up bro ur amazing
Where are you going to send me
0:34 im home schooled though…
We appreciate you as much as you appreciate us. Please, take your time with your videos. We’ll see you soon too.
where's my monkey
😀😀😁😁😍😍👍👍Sale ends tomorrow
Where my monkey
I didn’t get a monkey😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 🙁
On cod vanguard the Godzilla skin for the stg44 called breath of Godzilla has a cool inspection
"hidden video game details"
proceeds to show some of the most common known video game knowledge for those fanbases kek I stuck in but the world at war one really killed it for me >_>
I think they made the indicator like this to foreshadow that you didn't kill the real Castro
Oh I don't know if anyone mention this, but in COD cold war in a campaign where you get flashback in Vietnam when you pick up m16 or mp5 instead you can run into the jungle without a gun and you can get a different dialogue
Still waiting for my monkey
@CaptainEggcelent I'm still waiting on my monkey
Soppy git
stop trying to give me away
Whares my monkey? 🙁
"Give yourself a pat on the back" That's kinda hard I might pull something
In Arkham Asylum batman's face isn't the only thing that changes throughout the course of the game. His cape also deteriorates significantly the further you go in the game.
im actually going to start suing you if you dont deliver on these false promises for likes and subs thats false advertising
You know the fact that the Castro mission reveals you only killed the double is not only a good indicator of real world happenstance (Cause the US is notoriously bad at killing some dudes for some reason) but the fact that the mission and it's ending helps bring to the theme that you shouldn't trust what's going on just because you see it.
We SEE Reznov throughout a good chunk of the game from Mason's POV. We see Steiner get killed until the mission later shows that Reznov was never there. Which always makes me wonder just how much of the missions involving Reznov are truthful, especially since Reznov can kill people on his own in Mason's hallucinations of the man and did save him in BO2.
Of course it could have also been unintentional, but BO1 and BO2 were pretty good.
You realize that first Easter egg is an office reference right ? That’s why they’re all wearing suits and it says nice workplace environment lol
where is my monkey
“ woods you look like hammered shit!,looks don’t count for shit in the jungle.”
I didn't know about taking them slow every time Reznov told me i was fast or i don't know😳
If your friend, Jack, helped you off a horse, would you help Jack off a horse?
Got here late but it's been a pleasure to watch you go from a voiceless but still entertaining chanel to the best easter egg channel out there filled with personality. Happy 100
You killed the double but not the real Castro explaining the red crosshairs.
So when am I getting my monkey?
Wheres my monkey
Where's my monkey I was going to name him bryon teach him to walk and ride a bike educate him take care of him drink our first beer learn the stuff and finally ….. Say goodbye
And im greatful for the content you put much love man
Where is my monkey egg
Video number 20 of trying to get my comment featured. I've been recently playing Killing Floor 2 as the new Tidal Terror mode released a little while ago alongside a new map. I managed to actually find an Easter egg I have yet to see you cover! If you go down to the hospital level of the rig you will find on one side of the room a skinned man on a operating table, and coming out of his chest is what looks to be a chest burster from Alien. Love your videos and am always looking forward to the next release, with the hopes that my Easter egg may be featured in one! ♥️
Wheres my monkey ???