Michael Burry’s latest tweet suggesting a stock market crash WORSE than the great financial crisis. Why he’s concerned, why I agree with him, and how I’m preparing to pounce on the opportunities ahead during this stock market crash.
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My strategy: buying call options on reverse etf and waiting for long opportunity come the day. I’m earning on the way down and earning on the way up.
Gold silver energy . My eyes are in these beauties also .
@14:04 I WANT FAT *ITCHES! ??
Wait for what opportunity? The inflation is over 17 percent in the Netherlands, where I live. Your cash will evaporate in the meantime.
Hey Daniel, here are four names to thoughtfully consider. They tick your boxes, I won’t go into too much detail thinking you might not see it. Qualcomm, Pfizer, Oracle & Schlumberger. Not limited to one sector either, but the best of connectivity, cloud, healthcare and technology in energy services.
Thank you as always Daniel, live your economy analysis videos!
Most interesting investing channel on YouTube hands down.
Okay here's one for trading very
Cheap right now Ally financial,
Even Warren buffet is buying
Can we see your average returns from when you started? Few examples of long picks that worked and didn't? So far your strategy performance is a black box for non paid users
Or you could do larger cap: Atlassian, Workday, MongoDB, AirBNB, Sea, Block, PayPal, Etsy, Uber. Network effects are undervalued still.
Agree why would anyone buy stock at higher than a 15PE
I think that $DOLE it is a great opportunity
its end of year, its midterm election, market big time oversold, sentiment extrem bearish…everyone is expecting a crash…no way its gonna crash now, maybe it 'll start end of november, will see
I made Xunlei my largest position. Super interesting valuation. Once audit deal with China is done this should fly high (I see 10-20x)
Market cap: 100MM
Cash: 250MM
Revenue: 300MM p.a. (growing 30% YoY)
Net income: variable, last two quarters ~ 4MM each
Share repurchase program: 18MM still to be executed
HPQ trading at 4 times FCF 🤓
The best tool available to you to avoid overpaying for Stocks in a Bear Market is the Limit Order option in your Brokerage account. Only pay fair value or even crazy low prices when you set your limit orders in a Sustained Bear Market.
Sad to say it but this is not sound advise to tell your subscribers to hold out of the market because some “super investors” are sitting on cash. Makes me think your not a value investor and only thinking short term(under a decade).
The thing is, you will not know if they’ve been buying this time until the next 14F filing
How would you value a company with a high PE ratio, say 50, and a history of consistent high dividends (5%), such as Realty Income Corp (O)? They pretty much sailed through the 2008 crisis…
Thanks for a great channel. I am thinking of subscribing; Can anyone tell me about the discord server, What is it?
Why do look at a 500/600% upside? Why dont just at a fair price? If you look at an unrivales Company a fair price should do enough imo.
There are inverse ETFs that go up as the underlying securities drop. SH, DOG, QID to name three. Also put options.
It's not I know more than Burry does, it's my strategy as an investor has to be based on my own style and objectives not Burry's, copycat super investors no matter how good they are is not a good strategy, investing is an art not a science
There are plenty of reasons I buy an stock but from a price to cash flow perspective plus good projections for the future I like GOOGL, SBUX and UNP, I already have positions on the first ones and I'm going to start one with Union Pacific (I know i know the possibility of an union's strike is something to consider)