Martha Teichner looks back at the monumental 2005 hurricane — the most costly natural disaster, in lives lost and property destroyed, in U.S. history — and the struggle of New Orleans residents to rebuild ever since.
Martha Teichner looks back at the monumental 2005 hurricane — the most costly natural disaster, in lives lost and property destroyed, in U.S. history — and the struggle of New Orleans residents to rebuild ever since.
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Nagin cares.
Democrat Governor of Louisiana Blanco was the government official in charge of the disaster preparation and response for all of Louisiana. NOT President Bush.
The flood walls were redone during the 1990s while Bill Clinton was President. Money was taken from the budget to finance the "Big Dig" commuter tunnel under Boston Harbor. However, that was concealed from us (the resident of New Orleans), and the falsification of the re-builds was why the flood walls failed.
I lived in New Orleans in the Lakeview neighborhood when Katrina struck.
Took two days for the army too get out there let it be another country the us will be there same day
Shamefull how USA government treat their people, horrible and inhumane.
While bush definitely bungled the response the mayor and governor don't get nearly enough blame. Nagan in particular essentially turned down every offer of help he got and then went around yelling at people to fix the problem for him (and then reusing to let them do anything, repeating the cycle).
The funniest thing I’ve ever seen still laughing to this day
I hate New Orleans
The most unique and cultured city in the US. They deserve their home.
Soo..WRONG!!!… BUT TRUE!!!!!
Seems odd that homeowner responsibilities are never mentioned in the story. It is the homeowners onus to carry insurance on their property. House destroyed, insurance kicks in, house rebuilt…problem solved. Instead, in today's America, let's make it about race as usual. Sad and pathetic
Your gouverment sucks! For you and all world! Masonic and sotonic West Will go to end soon! Jesus save our souls
Stark contrast, and it really exposed who is capable of being self-sufficient and who relies on the government for everything.
nature did this. you can only count on yourself.
Limit your child to one or two.
Nothing, including politics, racism, government funding, not religiosity nor good intentions can ever defeat physics and science. Anytime a city is built in a hole, on a coast, there will be flooding.
If one is opposed to flooding, one is encouraged to move TF out of the flood prone hole.
5:54 what?
The world was there but nobody was coming
Bush did not care about black people hes a racist
In that part where he's stating but the homeowner and what color of the person was that's true also even if even in a situation like this is crazy I'm telling y'all it has some stuff went on here after hurricane Katrina and during the storm was even worse it wasn't even a hurricane itself it's stuff that you won't believe I rest my case 🙏
You should have been here after Katrina at night time you better make sure you've been inside for a certain time tonight the devil was here himself
Read the book,The shock doctrain by neyomi kleain.on this.
I love and dream to go back to New Orleans