25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. Today, we take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.
25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation. We take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained | compilation.
It appears that the more we uncover, the less we know about the nature of our world. It seems like more and more mysterious events surface from all around that are more than just impossible to explain, they completely defy what we know to be possible within the realms of physics and science.
So today, here at unexplained mysteries, we take a look at these 25 unsolved mysteries that cannot be explained.
Thank you for watching!
Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
As for the mass bird deaths where they all fall out of the sky simultaneously, Scientist need tl find out if "HAARP" was in the area! Remember the sonic booms, and fish, and bird kills>
The airplane looks to be not an actual aircraft but a model that they use to see what the craft looks like on radar. In my opinion I think that's what the picks show.
Nothing worse when NASA talks about extraterrestrial life being that only of microbes..
i have gay pls help 🙁
Moving to Hawaii for "financial reasons" was a big mistake.
These unknown crafts are the biggest mystery on earth. I think if they meant any real harm , they would have acted by now.I don’t know if we will ever know.
Isn't Aurora one thing and TR3-B the big black one
Kinda stupid to consider him nuts without knowing… what if he was on to something…
Fknsakrngrtnin ehth tun
m8 why oh why do you always use the dumb ass excuse's that the msm and official acidaemia put out as the reasons for these events,,, like the birds,,, fml how dumb do they think people are?,, a raptor or bird of prey or even telephone poles or cold air and countless other sheeple excuse's and flimsy reasonings are weak af,, just tell it how it is,,, the birds stuck a object in the sky that they couldn't see and fell to earth, a a single bird of prey wouldn't effect that many or cause them to nose dive into the dirt, they would evade and fly around, they may be birds but having a bird brain doesn't make them thick, they struck cloaked vessels, you can even see how some attempt to avoid crashing to the ground as they swerve to the right to try and avoid the impact and regain altitude,,, and please just use your own intuition instead of msm narratives and reasoning as it puts me off sharing your content, you used to naik it back in the day, now you just say what they say and its pure pap, do you and everyone else a solid an go back to you and don't be like the sheeple #D
The opinion of scientist saying that "..the skulls are fake.." carries the same weight as those say "that they are real" do not provide any undisputable evidence for their point of view. They provide a logical explanation for that point of view, this is still not scientific and cannot really hold any weight. The outcomes that they gathered in overall opinion is not worth considering. Videos that do these discoveries without scientific truth and sometimes even not showing actual items found or found somewhere else hold very little information if any that the general population should consider.
I wish you would crank up the volume before you upload. So that we viewers would turn down our volume to listen. Then when the commercials interrupted they would be relatively quiet and we could ignore them
in an unknown dimension , theres a puddle of goo that seems to have and eye and seemed to be alive
If a Klingon mated with carrot top….youd get the first guy…hes either 40 floors underground doing things hed only ever dreamed about….and we will never see him again….Or , they killed him…and we will never see him again…we will never see him again
Geez that repetitive noise is annoying.
So. Monotone. Mate. Zzzzzz. Every sentence consists of the same tonal patterns. Are you using an AI text to speech program to narrate these?
love the vids 🙂 but bro, ya need to turn down the bass, when ya speeking it`s loud,sometimes ya voice doesn`t seem clear to hear 🙂 or ya sitting to close to ya microphone 🙂 for the rest keep going love the vids a lot 🙂
U know the ufo on the moon looks like one of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. You know the one with the helicopter the sub the tank and the spaceship. Just peaked my curiosity is all.
I can't get away from this channel even after I unsubd 🙈🙉🙊
This stories are fiction right ?
Unico sobrevivient is in an alternate universe, they said he was in some kind of experiment. Thank you for the video!
People are going crazy with these photos showing absolutely nothing. Sometimes it feels as if we are living in the age of ignorance, a Dunning-Kruger Effect type of ignorance. Where everyone knows everything about anything, and the real experts, who have been trained in a certain field and have empirical knowledge, know nothing. Even when the experts provide answers, people still don't believe. It as if people have already come to their conclusions, without enough information to make such a conclusion, and anyone who disagrees is wrong.
It’s s tree root open your eyes and quit the BS
Too many commercials
Anyone who listened to Art Bell knew the story of MadMan Marcum…have you ever looked into the story of Mel's Hole?
To transport anything in time & space, there must be a receiver.
He had not constructed one yet.
The flock of birds were killed by the first impact of crashing into a cloaked UFO before smashing into the ground.
Aliens have hidden bases inside the Mars planet, as they also do on our moon. They have taken up residency across our solar system.
Robinson was sober. He was mentally and visibly distracted by Sasquatch. Sasquatch we’re created by Aliens and have several super abilities such as telepathy (they put the fear of life in you telepathically), speed, elusive, cloaking abilities etc…
Call me crazy but I am having trouble believing that goober with red hair.
WOW UM. I haven’t been in utube for a while. Had a busy season at work. You got sooo many more subscribers. Congratulations! We’ll deserved. So glad to be back!
Re: Colonisation of Mars..
Wouldnt it be Bonkers if the Human race originated on Mars?
They terraformed Earth because they needed to find another planet for the race to survive as they knew something was going to happen or was happening on Mars which wasnt conducive to human life???
Off they went in their Arkships
To the newly created atmosphere which they could breathe freely
Now we're about to return
To our real Homeland !!!
Its not so outlandish, it could very well have happened!
Maybe something like a toxic atmophere occurred due to experimentation with nuclear
Energies & they had to leave until the radiation was safe to return
Im sure i heard that in ancient India, in Vedic texts, the great pantheon of Gods travelled to Earth in their Vimanas because of some catastrophe on their planet.
They were blue or green skinned
( as was Eygpts Osiris)
& it was explained that with a different atmosphere to breathe
The skin of those persons would indeed have a blue shade because of lack of…. something or more of something!
Ive forgotten what was said but all the most ancient statues of
Vishnu & other Gods are indeed blue skinned!
Oh yeah, little green men from Mars ! Maybe theres more truth in that than we know.
Funny though if they find evidence somewhere on Mars that WE are the Martians!
Who left our home planet to voyage to Earth!
Many years ago i had the holiday of a life time!
Making a huge profit from selling my house, allowed me to have a 24 day cruise round Antarctica
With a fabulous company called Jules Verne Adventures!
This was in the 1980s & even then it cost £4,500 but worth every penny & a wish come true for me.
The Bergs were extraordinary & just everything was HUGE!
Our journey representative told us about meteorites landing there & known as Tektites
I was dying to explore the pebble shores to find one
However we visited the UK section of Antarctic, where the Geophysicists & flora & fauna scientics carry out studies
I was telling one of the scientists how much id wanted to come to Antarctica but really hoped i could find a meteorite.
The chap gave me a brilliant talk about everything & what they do.
Just before we left to get on board our ship, I was simply bowled over when the Geophyzz guy held out my hand & dropped a large hand sized meteor… To Keep!
Ive still got it & its my best mineral or stone with metal & fused greeny glass in it
Its beautiful, i got it valued a few years back & was astounded to find it was worth £300
Probably more today!
Thanks 🇬🇧👧