In this compilation video, we have a look at some incredible clips of storms from all over the world.
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In this compilation video, we have a look at some incredible clips of storms from all over the world.
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Club Atlético Belgrano de Córdoba Argentina……….
ولله جنود السماوات والأرض لايعلمها إلاهو👍🤷🤷
Do you wish you'd waited for "Hurricane Ian"? or is that getting its own upload?
Jesús Is coming soon.🙏.
Blessings to of all you.
Crazy hurricane.👀👀
Trop beau j'adore cant la nature ce mais en colère
it looks like a hurricane
I would not be outside in this storm I would be somewhere safe and dry
Bring in your pets so they are safe with you
Get out of the storm go somewhere safe
It's a hurricane alright things are getting very wet and damaged
Stay in your house where it is safe go to your basement now
You can't even see anything outside it's raining hard and very windy
It's pouring rain outside and dark and gloomy weather outside and looks like a hurricane
The wind is blowing strong
EU :American people I wish you a storm like this every day ,it wiil clean the air abou USA .
Cabezas Cabezas que
Cabezas Cabezas que nos
Cabezas Cabezas que
Cabezas Cabezas que
We are ants to mother nature
Anyone see the clip with guys swimming in Florida yesterday mg crazy
Ну пусть ржут, скоро плакать прийдеться!
Palm trees bend but don't fall down.
Lot of that was in Japan. And the last clip
Yes we all need prayers everywhere. It's not God that's doing this, or Climate change, it's the powers of darkness trying to turn us against God. We must pray against bad weather, God will change things, he loves us, we need to turn back to him.
Any one filming this deserves a trophy ..my god 🙄🙄
Good video! 🙏
Our world is changing, not just our nation or government or Republic; the world is changing.
When I lived in Colorado for about a year, in August it was about 87° that day, then snowed, then got back up to 87 again. 🙄🙄🙄 It snowed lightly for an hour in the middle there. 🙄
Ветер, перемен. В новую эру.
if you don't acknowledge ME AS GOD JESUS CHRIST IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH 💯 you stand condemned and you'll end up in hell 😳 JOHN 3:16 Explained ❤ 💙 ♥
Это где было?
Destroy them all
Пердящий Джо навлек беды на страну
Метла за ли сметает грязь, с океана нужно такой чтоб затопило к чертят их источник всех бед в мире
Господи !! Спаси и помоги людям и животным!!! Все мы дети божьи,,!!!! Спаси и сохрани!!!! С уважением и чистым сердцем из Москвы Любовь,…
I can't understand why people would want to go out in this kind of weather to take pictures.
Jesus is coming to take his believers into heaven. This will only get worse. Jesus said there would be famines, earthquakes, volcanos, animal deaths, pestilence, floods and fires prior to his return. If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus you have NO HOPE. You will either be left behind, go to HELL, GO THROUGH THE TRIBULATION OR BE TAKEN TO HEAVEN. The decision is yours. Call on Jesus TODAY. Confess you are a sinner, believe he is our savior. His word says .. confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.
The Antichrist is about to come on the scene and convince you he came to save the world, he's a liar! It WILL seem he has all the answers but he's working for SATAN. For three and a half years it will seem like the world is better, than Satan will come on the scene and it will be HELL ON EARTH. DO NOT TAKE A MARK IN YOUR HAND OR FOREHEAD TO BUY AND SELL OR GOD WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU. You WILL go to HELL. I am convinced it has Satan's DNA in it and God will not except you into his kingdom
Please call on Jesus TODAY and he WILL REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU. CAll on Father God ask him for the truth as to whom Jesus is.
Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a Spirit, Jesus is God that came in the flesh and when you call on Jesus you will receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The third aspect of God. Repent and believe!
You don't have to earn your way into heaven. We are NOT saved by works, we are saved by God's GRACE. There is NOTHING you can add to what Jesus did, just believe! Time is running out!!
O pode de Deus me xe