5 SCARY Ghost Videos YOU CAN'T Ignore This Fall!

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The 3X 5 SCARY Ghost Videos YOU CAN’T Ignore This Fall!
The SCARIEST videos of paranormal activity CAUGHT on camera. A Top 5 list of scary shadow figures, ghosts, poltergeist activity, demons caught on video and other supernatural activity. Are these videos REAL or FAKE?. Hi folks. In today’s episode of 5 SCARY Ghost Videos YOU CAN’T Ignore This Fall! You’ll see: Scary tiktok video where something terrifying was captured on a security camera. A paranormal investigation in a haunted house where ghost hunters caught the activity of a poltergeist. Unexplained video from cctv camera. Creepy ghost caught on tape and something chilling. Creepy, scary, unexplained and bizarre things caught on tape.
Check my other videos:

10 SCARY Ghost Videos To Watch This AUTUMN!

5 SCARY GHOST Videos You Might Be Possessed After Watching!

5 EXTREME SCARY Ghost Videos That’ll SCARE YOU!

Subscribe for more videos of the scariest ghosts caught on video, scary videos, unsolved mysteries, haunted places, creepy stories, paranormal activity, mysterious creatures, UFOs, Aliens, basically scariest things ever found in internet.
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00:00 Intro
00:10 Number 1
00:55 Number 2
05:57 Number 3
07:11 Number 4
11:52 Number 5
The Squad
Nuke’s Top 5
Sir Spooks
#scaryvideos #ghosts #caughtoncamera #scary #ghost


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About the Author: The 3X


  1. Video number 3 is cap first they're showing the dates the hour and the minute and seconds of the CCTV then all of a sudden you don't see it no more and that supposed apparition headless apparition comes up. When the headless apparition is walking all of a sudden it disappears but there's a jump in the video yet you cannot see minutes or seconds but there's a jump looks like a skip and immediately after that they say it hasn't been edited it's definitely fake cap 🧢.

  2. The one where I has a toy going off and then it's in this baby bed and then it's in the faucet but it keeps covering the camera I'm not believing not to mention he didn't show us the entire room the first time to make sure there's no one hiding under the bed that could have crawled into the baby bed he didn't check the closet I mean before all he did that stuff went on I don't buy it

  3. Mamatay ng galibak sakoa gadaut sakoa gapakalat maling impormasyon sakoa gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka yawaa mo
    My prayers and curse never stop too… I will fight you back. You take my prayers and curse very seriously because I ain't joking…
    What you say and throw to me over and over again won't affect me and my feelings.
    Same goes to me too, I'm not affected too.
    Wala ko nahadlok anang ginapadungog dungog ninyo
    Do not underestimate the power of the word of God. The Lord God Almighty is the most powerful in this world! No one is above him! The word of God is like a sword! Sooner or later, it will have an effect on you and to your life. Just wait and watch. My prayers and curse are crazy.
    In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen – the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, Amen!
    I don't care if it's what it looks like or not, I don't care if that's the case or not. You can continue with what you are currently doing. You can continue with that thing. No one's stopping you. You have my support. Just don't force that thing to me, OK?
    Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal.
    In the name of the father, the son, the Holy Spirit Amen – the anger and wrath of the Lord God Almighty, the Heavenly Father, will be poured out on those people that verbally/non-verbally and physically assault/harass me directly and indirectly, backstab/backbite me, insinuating/implying/throwing false, hurtful words/insults/false accusations & information against me like"died","dead","die","last"."thi*f","lift","att**k,"de*th","ste*l", "bye",etc, falsely accused me, slander/defame me, plots against me, and speak badly of my name. Those same people will be an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach, In Jesus name, Amen!
    Mamatay ng gabuhat buhat ug ads na nagapadungog dungog nagaigo igo sakoa ug s*yang, att**k, ug uban pang words ug gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa sa ads yawaa ka yawaa mo
    Mamatay ng mga ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/announcer/commentator/actor/actress/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagapadungog dungog nagaigo igo nagatira tira sakoa ug mga words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diria sa video ug sa comments section
    Mamatay ng gapalakpak gakiskis gapagpag gahapak hapak sa kamot sakoa yawaa ka yawaa mo diri sa comments section ug sa video.
    Curse and death to all people that are throwing false words/insults/false information&accusations against me. Curse and death to all people that are insinuating/implying false information/false words/ insults/false accusations towards me. Curse and death to all people that are assaulting&harassing me verbally&non-verbally, online or personal…
    Mamatay ng galibak sakoa gadaut sakoa gapakalat maling impormasyon sakoa gabuhat ug dautang plano sakoa yawaa ka yawaa mo
    Mamatay ng mga ordinaryong tao, naga voice over/TV reporter&anchor/announcer/commentator/actor/actress/vlogger aning channel nagpaparinig nagpapatama nagapadungog dungog nagaigo igo nagatira tira sakoa ug mga words na bye,we*rd, thi*f, sh*p, sh*pping,he*rt atta*k, b*tter, ste*l, say*ng, waste, att**k, l*ft, upl*ft, di*d, die, de*d, death, last, puso, hart, etc diria sa video ug sa comments section


  4. My wife says That man has a succubent trying to attach it self to his baby he should start sleeping with the baby to protect against her appearances…

  5. Also you should never play with a ouija board I had a friend ask a ouija board when they were going to die and they died exact on that date they were hit by a train this is nothing to play with people I am serious. Sorry for misspelling I do not know how to spell ouija board

  6. At 2 minutes and 30 seconds into this video they hear something but look at the guitar it turns around the other way.. You really don't want to mess with spirits because they will attach themselves to you it is very dangerous thing to play with evil spirits.

  7. The way grown men piss themselves at every little sound means they are in the wrong business. If I were them I'd keep an EMT on standby with a defib unit just in case.

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