Hurricane Ian: Coast Guard releases video of incredible rescues

Hurricane Ian: Coast Guard releases video of incredible rescues
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Coast Guard crews have been rescuing people stranded in communities in Florida devastated by Hurricane Ian. An aircrew on an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter from Air Station Miami spent much of Thursday pulling residents and their pets from flooded neighborhoods on Sanibel Island. Petty Officer 2nd Class Tyler Kilbane captured remarkable video from a camera mounted on his helmet.

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About the Author: FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth


  1. I’m stationed in the keys and spent a few days with the folks from Air Station Miami, they are all awesome hard working coasties! Good job ya’ll 👍🏼

  2. What a GREAT JOY for the Coast Guards to save people’s precious lives every day but also, what a FEAR to be continually putting their own own lives at risk: i fervently pray for God to keep them safe in their glorious service to others. 🙏

  3. The best of the Coast Guard is that they are trained to be as kind to their people as they are trained to be as mean to their enemies. Just imagine Tyler here behind a .50 shooting warning shots at a drug dealing boat.

  4. That guy Tyler has a very professional approach, right down to comforting the little furry dog.
    This suggests that the training given is excellent.

  5. “You’re gonna be ok, I promise.”

    I don’t think people even realize the littlest things like that, mean the most to people in times like these.. It’s the way he comforted them & let them know they’d be ok. Gave clear instructions without being pushy, bossy, forceful or rushing them. Peoples body language & giving off good genuine vibes can literally help people get through some tough times a lot easier, & that’s what this man & his team did. What an amazing guy. He was made for this career. ❤

  6. I live in a country that doesn't get hurricanes, so I expect there's something obvious I'm missing, but how do these people typically end up stranded? Is it that a lot of folk don't see the weather warnings?

  7. Wow. You guys are FANTASTIC! Everything down to the smallest detail was done SO WELL. Congrats to you all — the pilot who hovered so steadily, to Off. Kilbane who gave clear instructions and who made the people comfortable, to the "basket catcher" aboard the helicopter, ALL of you. Bravo, Gentleman. Bravo USCG.

  8. Last year December 17 2021 typhoon in Philippines so many people affected one of our house was totally damage we can't brought anything just our selves to evaluated that time, after 3 Months I built a tiny house made of light material,I'm felt this kind of situation very unforgettable to every body also.🙏🙏🙏🇵🇭

  9. This is a great video of incredible people doing their jobs and being heroes. But none of this would have even needed to happen if all of these people would have followed the evacuation orders from the Governor. Why would they try to ride out the storm with so many options for places to go and shelter and with so many warnings not to stay? I don't understand this.

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