Help take away someone’s pain. Please donate: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/donate
This bear-like boy was quiet, humble, and shy. He had been attacked by maggots in what probably started as a small wound on his forehead. This variety of maggots rage and race through healthy tissue, and can destroy a life within hours.
As bad as this wound was, it may have been only a few days before someone noticed the terrible teeming hole and called us to the rescue. As we came to know this sweetheart better, his shyness and distrust of people never completely melted, but he grew, from unbelieving, untrusting, to an angel who seemed to completely recognize that we had given him back his life. Meet Bhaloo now!
I have literal no words to thank what they are doing. Tbh, I'm a animal lover. Seeing animals or even humans in pain makes me cry. Seeing the miracle of what these guys are doing is so damn kind. I'm a teen, I can't donate them. But one thing we all can do, don't ever skip the ads on this channel. They deserve the money. The help they are doing, is incredible.
Good job sir👍👍👍
Amazing no words can describe your contribution towards these helpless and hopeless creatures please don't stop the good work guys love you always
Thanku God bless you Dear
So docile so quiet with all that pain its incredible. And then comes a human with a headache and would whine and whimper till he gives you a headache.
DIOS los bendiga para siempre…🤗🙏🙏🙏
Great job good luck APPRECIABLE JOB….
Aleluia aleluia aleluia
You are a greatest people,caring and good job,so that's were always watching you,hope there more people like you guys God bless you all,animal aid.
Thank u so much for everything u do for these animals
Thank you so much for saving this sweat heart and God bless you all 😔😢💕
I love you all, thank you for the love you give the animals, you make this Earth shine brighter.
Muchísimas gracias por su rescate, espero k se recupere pronto.. bendiciones! 🙏❤️
Thank you for what you do for those that need the most help
Pobre criatura como habrá sufrido d dolor ya q esa herida en la cabeza ha sido generado con un machete q horror dios hará justicia divina nada queda inpune en este mundo bendiciones para el personal d animal aid siempre tan preocupados por el bienestar d los inocentes animales q dios siempre proteja y bendiga a los animales d toda especie
You guys are not humans,you are angels.