Tomato plays The Booty Creek Cheek Freak, Sentient, Siren Head Resurrection, Sorry, We’re Open, Signalis
Air Date…………………….➤Jun 3, 2022
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VODS Managed by BrettUltimus
0:00:00 Intro Music
0:00:30 Intro
0:39:54 The Booty Creek Cheek Freak
1:10:19 Sentient
1:30:47 Siren Head Resurrection
2:22:03 Sorry, We’re Open
2:41:54 Signalis
#tomato #tomatogaming
Siren Head is Xbox live
siren head game sucked
pepper spray all woodland creatures to assert dominance
This siren head game seems to be a sequel to the one where he tells you to lay down and die, same tower and factory, whether it be direct or in spirit it’s cool
Ghosts are Real tamtoe I've seen em.
You should stream Exanima again.
why da fuck does he just have a trumpet in his room with him
Schroedinger's Schlong
I hate chimps they scare the shit out me
Good god, Sentient is fucking horrifying. Could not take my eyes off the hole in the wall. How little it takes to creep someone out when what little is there is used well. High concept horror doesn't really gel well with the whole entertainment stream concept though.
the memes brought Morbius back into theatres and it bombed again which is hilarious. pranked. Jared Leto pranked us with the sequel, but it was cancelled. No more Morbin time.
I watch Jay from the Kubz Scouts on YouTube. Cool dude. He was cracking up playing Booty Creek Cheek Freak.
is this the legendary CHUPA CU????
Booty Creek Cheek Freak seems like a game Tomato's friends cooked up and forced him to stream as punishment for running off on his own during the ESO Amish challenge.
first game is stupid cursed
I skipped the intro, like ya do, and lost my shit at the title. And then it was actually the title and I threw my phone.
The Booty Creek Cheek Freak chase music low key reminds me of Deus Ex 😄
i hate that the booty cheek creek game actually had me laughing
Why does my name have to be Connor… that first game.
Booty Creek is basically an episode of Aqua Teen.
His fake "dumbass laugh" cracks me up every time.
Reminds me of how Buck spent an hour on that ball game
Tomato "Spooky" Gaming (Spooky)
Sentient is what I imagine the CCP camps are like.
How do I subscribe to Jared Gaming?