enjoy this creepy, scary & true horror stories animated compilation!
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I make scary stories animated. You will find here a lot of scary stories based on true events. Animated horror stories in English. Horror stories animated by mort. Horror Stories. Scary animated stories. True horror stories animated. Animated stories. My story animated. Scary videos. Horror. Creepy animations. Animated horror stories compilation. Scary stories compilation. Horror Stories compilation.
So this dude has a mental disability he gets served with a warrant for stalking the district attorney the police the prosecutor and the judge don't want to hear his side of the fucking story if that would have been me you know what I would have done I would have sued the chick I would have sued the District Attorney's office I would sued the police department I would have sued the judge and I would have sued the prosecutor that's what I would have done I was going after every last one of their sorry asses
bro mort animation has progressively gotten more and more to the point where i want to hurl, the original stuff is where it’s at
Bro i was playing rainbow when he was talking about it
The fast food one irks me kinda. Some have mental issues, just leave them be. That's not horror that's just a nosey worker lol. (I would be too btw, but I know it's none of my business and as long as they treat me with respect then I have no problems with em.)
My 3rd night trying to watch these lol keep passing out so maybe tonight I’ll make some progress lol. ❤ thnx love em
I live in Baltimore
Why would his dad go outside to fight a random psycho without calling the cops
i literally always skip the southern accented guy’s stuff. His speaking cadence and put on voice is so annoying to me.
The first story is about an InCell that doesn’t understand how criminal justice works….
Black bear's are more scared of you than you are of them lol, just scream at them and look threatening and they will run away wth their tail between their legs.
My heart goes out to the author of the stalker story. I have know people to accuse people of stalling to appease a boyfriend or girlfriend that is jealous of a friendship 5heir significant other has. It is usually a person that is being strung along for the attention.Y heart goes out to you.
Ayyyyy Baltimore in the house!!❤
Why didn't he save his DAD!!!!!!!
No bunch of 14-year-old boys would reject such candy. 1:00:04
The Euro was created as early as 1995 and introduced at first in January 2002.
Wow, I grew up in Bridgewater VA, never thought I would hear about anything about the place on one of these videos
Stalker guy from the second story is a creep no matter what he says. If someone dosen't want to talk to you you leave them alone.
1st story you are a stalker and you place blame on everyone else.. weirdo
HEY!! I take offense to that.."an older male,in his early 40s" 😲
I'm going to be 41 next month..and I'm not old!! 🤨
Ugh..🙄 am I old? 😬
Oh my..I'm old 😮💨
ZOINKS! Like, let's go Scoob
@26:00 Incel tries to warn us against the fall of our age. Eventually, all men everywhere will become jailed for trying to message girls online.
Megan is missing plot
Dudeee such good timing
These have been so helpful for my insomnia thanks Mort
Perfect timing! My favorite too❤🎉… thank you thank you I’ve watched Almost every animated horror story video on YouTube I needed something new! 👏 and who better than my favorite MORT!! 😻
What's the channels name on story number 3