![How to EASILY Solo Flawless Duality - Arc 3.0 Hunter [Destiny 2]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/How-to-EASILY-Solo-Flawless-Duality-Arc-30-Hunter-818x490.jpg)
This video will show you an incredibly easy way to Solo Flawless the Duality dungeon. Earning the Untouched by Opulence emblem has never been easier! The reworked Arcstrider is the strongest Hunter I have ever played, and it makes the game’s most difficult dungeon a cakewalk.
Build breakdown video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hGy7O81te0
DIM link for this exact loadout: https://dim.gg/criulky/Equipped
Playlist with all of my Destiny 2 Solo Flawless runs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYMv__CyJQHS2tezxIyXNDlK9z3iYcPA9
Intro & Loadout: 0:00
Navigate the Mindscape: 1:01
Gahlran, Sorrow Bearer: 4:31
Navigate the Crypt: 21:42
Unlock the Vault: 26:36
Navigate the Vault: 40:16
Caiatl, Princess-Imperial: 43:59
Fantastic build & video thank you! Little tip for Gahlran that's especially useful for solo flawless is only pick up one standard at a time whereas you were making the effort to find and pick up both. The reason for this is the nightmare timer is extended every time you kill the standard bearer so we want to force the game to make one appear whilst we are in damage phase. A typical solo run is go to the nightmare realm, find and kill both bearers but only pick up ONE standard, leave the other. Get the bellkeepers and go back, place standard and go over taking out the copies of Gahlran. Once the door opens run to where you know the second standard is but DO NOT kill the bearer, pick it up and head back once the BK are gone. Now when you place the standard and go back over that same bearer will be mixed inbetween the copies and if you kill him then it'll give an extra 15 seconds on your DPS phase! Makes it an easier 3 phase 😊
There seem to be some bugs within the build. I never get past 4x charged with light, powered melees dont grant invis (roughly 50%), I'm not getting wells from the melees all the time, and not build related but at the vault opening encounter the essence from killing the standards isnt always appearing. Yes, I'm using everything you are but could only get 60 mobility with what I had. The rest is the same. I like the build, different than what I normally use, but its either bugging out or I'm missing something. Great tutorial, subbed!
Great video however I learned duality solo causes me immense pain.
love you for this brother super solid build i def will partake
Key trick is to keep combination blow up during the boss fight with Liars Hand Shake. Even if you have to leave the boss for a few seconds. If you can keep up the CB and mix it with tractor cannon and one-two punch the damage is crazy. I almost 2 phased 1st boss. And two phased last boss. But took me lots of hours to finally get the pattern down.
Awesome content – thank you!
Hi, Bro! Why did you put "void protection" in the body armor, not "sniper protection"?Can you tall?
And Thank' for good video!
Really great guide. Enjoy listening to you, and you make it simple. No rush.
More more more please🤩
On the dim there are 3 unassigned mods. How much do they matter? Or is it just that I couldn't fit them on my build?
I am so glad I found your channel and this build has made me so hyped to finally do my solo flawless duality! Honestly thank you so much for all the strategy and clear explanations. I really look forward to more videos!
You're voice is absolutely mesmerizing. Not only that, your videos are the reason I was able to solo flawless Prophecy and Grasp. Now I'm watching this as I want to do the same for Duality!
I spawn being blown off the map and die every jump puzzle I could never flawless with a fire team much less doing it solo 😞
I got all the way up to caital with this build and got slung around the air by everything during damage phase then died to snipers. that final room just sucks
Very nice! Thanks for the upload! To bad I don't have Well of Ions.
I've been trying to solo this dungeon for 3 months now. Firstly, well done dude! Second, this is going to be really helpful. I can't wait to try this.
The bell-wipe bug at the Caital encounter is specific to the axes and sun platforms. If you're on one of those platforms, and the doors open for a fresh wave of Scions to enter, do not shoot the bell until the Scions are off your platform and the door is closed.
I was surprised on how well this build worked on Gahlran but I was running into a lot of troubles with the next fight as I always ran out of time. My hunter can’t be on 100 mobility when also on 100 resilience and so my dodge is slower. After many tries I am 75% success rate but it just needs one problem with killing all enemies to spawn the standard bearer or missing the bell keeper to end a run. That said this is a fun build when I am not alone or in the KF sister and oryx fight.
Hahaha architects.
Im surprised you didn't utilize the extra time for the first encounter
Want to say thank you for this video. This was the last solo flawless dungeon I needed and today I got the clear with this loadout and build. Took me a good hour and twenty eight minutes but got her done. Ready and waiting for the next dungeon. Earned a sub from me.
Great presentation…polished and informative…subbed!
You’re the most calmest person I have ever seen doing a dungeon
“Punch a dog for invis” is my new favorite quote, also how are we getting gear if theoretically where just in his dreams lol
Awesome vid, do you have solo vids for the other classes doing this dungeon?
Excellent video. I just subscribed. Great detail provided and i appreciate the running commentary about what you are thinking while it's happening. I'm going to post this video on my clan Discord.
Awesome video and commentary. Now I just need to get Assassin's Cowl. In the meantime I'm scratching my head at alternative strats.
Great video!! Thank you, going to try to solo first.
What an amazing video. The build was great, the commentary extremely straightforward and helpful. I have been putting off going for the solo flawless and now I have no excuse – excited for the run!!