#animalrescue #animal #dogrescue @Pets In Love
Rescue Poor dog was crashed by train
Super thanks to rescuer: Guardians of all voiceless
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Thanks alot!
You guys are real life HERO. No, celebrity’s aren’t hero’s, they do what they do to help themselves. You guys are the real HEROS !
You a very good people with a brilliant heart people like you I love
Pls update on his recovery 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thank you very much God blessed you all
Cómo está el perrito,a todos nos gustaría saber cómo se encuentra que carita de tristeza, pudo sobrevivir,quedó sin patitas? Gracias por ayudarlo!!!
Some body pull in the track train this poor dog 😢
Thank you for saving him…cant imagine the pain, what fantastic resilience🙏😔😪
Что за изверги сделали это с собачкой пусть горят в аду твари🤬🤬🤬 спасибо этим людям что спасли🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
Amen just a beautiful dog God Bless Thanks Amen thanks
Love u man of all 💗😗
you all are angels
God bless u
No words to say 👌👌👌👌👌
Parece que a alguien le molestaba ése angelito, como cresta puede haber gente que haga tal daño a un ser inocente, tendrán de vuelta lo que merecen! 🤬
Al lado totalmente contrario hay corazones desinteresados ayudando, tendrán de vuelta su bendición 😉
Melhoras pra ela
에구 우찌~ㅠㅠ
구해주셔서 감사합니다 🙏
All these dogs in India need to adopt from other people with better life. Please put Internacional adoption.