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At least the sentences seem reasonable for the horrible crimes.
Thank you.
This is insane!! Out of all those kids not one tried to think logically?? That's terrifying. I'm so glad they will be behind bars for life. They should never see the light of day.
Senseless tragedies. How do people commit such terrible acts against one another?
So f’ing dumb
Prob gotta be one of the most pointless reasons to commit murder
Those kids are gonna find out what real gang life is in prison and I guarantee they are not built for it..and they 100% deserve whatever happens to them.
My heart aches for David's parents 😔💙
Wait. Didn't they all smoke the weed? What a BS excuse.
When are we going to start acknowledging the glorification of the military (who's job it is to kill people) has a role in influencing violence. And of course the gummint "leaders" who send our men to other countries on false pretenses to terrorize innocent civilians.
For every incident rhat ends this badly, there are 1000's others that are never known about that nearly did.
Ten or fifteen years ago, when I was hanging out with my friends at their houses or at parties, just being typical teenagers and young adults where we shot guns, played violent video games, talked tough and fed our egos, no one ever got shot, accidentally or otherwise, not even when alcohol or weed was involved. We certainly never thought about killing each other, no matter how pissed off we got. There is something more inherently dysfunctional with people like the guys charged in this case. I don't believe in good or evil, but I do believe in the ability to rationalize moral, ethical, empathetic, and compassionate chosen behavior, something most of us can do. This ability was and will forever be lacking in these people and it had little if anything to do with culture, hobbies, or interests. Call it mental health, call it brain wiring, call it brain damage, call it whatever you want, but they were inherently not like David or the majority of us. I heard about this case a few years ago and it doesn't get less chilling with time. The betrayal and violation of trust and friendship is so grotesque and vile in this case. Prison is intended for rehabilitation (supposedly), these people cannot be rehabilitated and the idea that they now get to live out their lives in a pseudo-society, even if it's behind bars, feels unacceptable. I don't generally support the death penalty, but here is one of those cases where I wouldn't protest it.
Sad and pathetic wannabe gangsters, poor David just a shame he had scummy so called friends.
As always, beautifully covered. Thankyou.
Its a bad mix; a bunch of morons, pack mentality, egos, youth, dope, alcohol, guns, gaming, a mindset skewed to be 'influenced' by other morons..this stuff breeds a terrible outcome..poor David, he seemed nothing like the others, he was in bad company at the wrong place, wrong time. Although the perps probably had it planned. Thankgod he didnt take his girlfriend there.
thank you John 🙏
Wretched little psychopaths. I hardly know where to start.
Imagine being so lost that murdering someone for smoking all of your weed was the only possible solution. In my world, it would go something like "oops, sorry; I'll buy you some more", but I don't fancy myself as a gang-banger.
Imagine partying after blowing someone away. I wonder if even one of them thought he should get the hell out of there but was then worried about getting shot himself.
Imagine what any self-respecting Crip (now there's a phrase for you) would think of some stringy white douchebag fancying himself one of them.
They will find out how tough they are when they get their asses busted in prison.
My husband works in an institution that houses gang members, he's worked around them for 33+ years, and there is one rule that they expect everyone to follow, either "Put up or shut up!"
Meaning, they will only allow individuals playing at gang life (Especially if it is a specific gang as in this case) for a very short amount of time, before they expect an individual to either commit, or stop playing at it.
So things like wearing the gang colors is a big no-no, if you aren't part of the gang.
I wear bandana a lot, especially on bad hair days, and my husband has asked me before to refrain from wearing the three popular gang colors here where I live in Canada. It is because we have two provincial Correctional facilities in our city, one for men, one for women, and a federal penitentiary for men as well. Often once the inmates are released, they hang around our city of 35,000 because their families often relocate to be near them while they are inside, so he wants me to be safe.
Even 'thugs' don't want the thug life! I'm sure they would love the opportunities, money and chances offered by middle class life!
Not one of these four idiots had enough intelligence to say "woah hold on fellas – let's not do this – this is crazy!". Not one.
I'm impressed that they actually have appropriate sentences, but…. David is still gone 😢
Sending love to his family 💐
Where are these boys parents??!!
I was so nervous to hear what the criminals got but they were punished well. Someone else said this. But this is probably the worst/dumbest reason to hurt someone. Especially in the way they did it. Being beat almost to death BY YOUR FRIENDS. (Not that any reason is a good reason)
There are 6 people the girlfriend will never know if she had found her true love.
Creeps. This is why the death penalty is legitimate. Why? Because they can't pay society back. Impossible, and they remain forecer deadly. And the citizens of Alaska don't need to pay 3 million dollars to support these creeps in prison for 200 years.
I’m glad he is getting Justice for what happened to him. This is one of those cases where kids need to know, if you live by the sword you can die by the sword. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re around a group like this, in a place like this…. Bad things can and do happen.
I imagine the ones in their group that would of been part of this situation had probably already left.
I don't know if was just the type of people that initially made their way to Alaska or just the environment, but that state is a mess.
Brad Renfro?
This was the first time I had heard of this case. How sad that not one person involved in this crime spoke up and at least tried to do something to stop it from becoming the horrible tragedy that it turned out to be. It makes me wonder if it wasn't somewhat a planned attack because it doesn't just seem like a fight that just got out of hand to me. There truly is no real justice here because the victim's family still have to live without him the rest of their lives. Which is true in every case where someone loses their life.
Being the parent of an only son who is newly turned teen, this makes me super sad & sceres the hell out of me. I know growing up, my BFF was not the best person to be around & HER mother ALWAYS blamed me for the stuff her daughter & tried to keep us apart (I later learned through her older sister who I became much closer to as I realized the issues her sister had, that she would actually blame ME when she got in trouble even if I wasn't there) and it NEVER WORKED. We always found a way & I could never understand why I was the "bad guy". It had such an effect on me growing up bc I was NOT a bad. I had a father who would have kicked my 🍑. She, however, did not have a father figure at all & was quite free to do whatever she wanted.
That being said, HOW do you weed out your kids friends, bc keeping them away from the bad ones seems to only push them away from you. Even if Davids parents KNEW these kids were no good, could they really have kept them apart? You just hope you instill into them the wherewithal to stay away from kids like this, because their lives can literally depend on it. 😔 Very sad.
Thank you so much John and Christy😀😀
Kids do not think of consequences. I'll never understand why so many people insist on putting kids in charge of themselves.
And i am NOT victim blaming in any way, but this is an example of why you need to never associate with garbage people.
Thanks John and Christy
Maybe if those so called friends hadn't been playing wannabe gangsters no such things would've occurred. Stereotypical idiots brainwashed by a violent subculture that has nothing to do with them. Had those same teens found themselves in a ghetto somewhere flashing moronic gang signs, they would've most likely been ridiculed, robbed and got their heads smashed in by the same individuals they wanted to emulate so badly. Clean cut boys, 2 nerdy class presidents looking ones. Yet, listening to dumb a$$ rap, throwing gang signs left and right, smoking pot made them believe they were the real deal ? They most definitely deserved what they got, and with a bit of luck will get put back into their spot whilst incarcerated. Sadly it won't bring back their so called 'friend'. Unjustifiable actions by a bunch of idiots who definitely knew better. Looking at the amount of insane cases involving the past few generations of youth makes you wonder about the future… Ain't looking too bright.
Hope the parent's of these murderers take a deep look at themselves to all raise shit. Makes me feel rage to unbelievable heights. RIP David ,may you live in hearts forever
No more thug life for those clowns. They strictly wife life now.
I feel so bad for the parents … they badly wished for son 😭
What is wrong with people? This is so 😢 Prayers for that poor family 🙏
No one ever kills anyone over something as silly as this those scumbags did it because they wanted to and they enjoyed doing it simple as that at least they will likely spend the rest of their lives behind bars which unfortunately is not the case in so many of these sort of cases.