Found a little astray homeless cat. Toke him to the veterinarian. Vet said he might not make it.We tried.Provided him with food and medical care. He got better. He will make it😀. The cat got a new life and I got myself a cute new friend😄 ..
#animals #rescue animal #homeless #cats #homelesscats #rescuecats #funnycats #animalwelfare #catshelter #shelter #catlover
Poor little kitty.
Dude why did that cat look like a stick man his tail was so stiff
Those amber eyes 🧡
This is not acceptable thankyou so much for your love, compassion. There's a special place in HEAVEN, for people like you, who don't just think about yourself, but see the need sbd emergency in others that prompt you to EMEDIATELY get to we I rye k and save a helpless kitten from death
Thankyou so incredibly much. A n.v d may Jesus Christ bless you always…😎💜🎼🙏🏻
What a beutiful cat !!!