Cottonmouth vs Rattlesnake 01 – Animal Fight

Cottonmouth vs Rattlesnake 01 - Animal Fight
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Cottonmouth don’t hesitate to prey on venomous like rattlesnakes. A swift bite to the Rattlesnake’s head injects enough hemotoxic venom to kill within 30 minutes. Regardless, the cottonmouth is not immune to the rattlesnake’s venom either and a bite could turn out fatal. Therefore the cottonmouth holds on to the rattler’s head until paralysis has set in, rendering the rattlesnake unable to defend itself. Cottonmouth vs Rattlesnake was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2012.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. Moccasins are just one nasty animal….period. Tried moving one out of the way on a tree and limb infested creek in Missouri with a fishing rod and it struck at that rod at least 10 times. It never swam off and I just prayed it wouldn't get in the boat.
    Great video…..thanks for posting and sharing.

  2. During the devistating drought here in 2011, the cottonmouths were eating all the snakes displaced by the disappearing water. The vast majority of snakes I witnessed being devoured were nerodia, but a large portion were also copperheads and even a few younger canebrake rattlesnakes. That was a tough period in my cottonmouth studies seeing so many snakes meet their demise, but that is nature. The populations are still nowhere near where they were before the drought. Cottonmouths doing fine!

  3. Cottonmouth don't hesitate to prey on venomous like rattlesnakes. A swift bite to the Rattlesnake's head injects enough hemotoxic venom to kill within 30 minutes. Regardless, the cottonmouth is not immune to the rattlesnake's venom either and a bite could turn out fatal. Therefore the cottonmouth holds on to the rattler's head until paralysis has set in, rendering the rattlesnake unable to defend itself. Cottonmouth vs Rattlesnake was filmed by Heiko Kiera in 2012.

    Cottonmouth vs Rattlesnake 01 – Animal Fight

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