In which John Green teaches you about population. So, how many people can reasonably live on the Earth? Thomas Malthus got it totally wrong in the 19th century, but for some reason, he keeps coming up when we talk about population. In 1800, the human population of the Earth passed 1 billion, and Thomas Malthus posited that growth had hit its ceiling, and the population would level off and stop growing. He was totally right. Just kidding, he was totally wrong! There are like 7 billion people on the planet now! John will teach a little about how Malthus made his calculations, and explain how Malthus came up with the wrong answer. As is often the case, it has to do with making projections based on faulty assumptions. Man, people do that a lot.
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He was right. Countries with a huge population have so many people starving to death or/and living in inequal economic system
Jeez poor Malthus. The most misunderstood thinker in history… Imagine if other thinkers got the Malthus treatment:
He wasn't making a prediction. He was noticing a paradox. If food grows linearly, but population grows exponentially, then humanity is always a few generations away from mass starvation…. and yet somehow, we're still here.
He wasn't making some crazy prediction for a dismal future; he was just stating an observable factual phenomenon.
He was right, and you cannot simply accept it. More population means more poor and middle class people. Also what technology has achieved is written off by our foolish mistakes
I think that what he was trying to say is that with whatever innovation may arise that it can only have a scaling effect on the amount of food available for consumption while population can increase as a function of its size. The social and ethical issues is a whole other bag of worms.
21 century Malthus turned into MCU Thanos.
Wow.. i wanna be so good of a teacher one day
Nobody: Hey what if we did this in the 21st Century?
Margaret Thatcher: I got u fam.
Malthus is more like a mathematical theory. Given 1. Population grows exp 2. Resources grow linear, Then People must die. Therefore Malthus is totally correct. It's just that the prerequisites of his theory are not satisfied yet.
the problem is: our ability to grow food only improves linearly, while the population is growing exponentialy, if you know maths you'll see that a big starving is inevitable
I think someone should let Bill Gates in on this common sense information.
Underlying assumption is correct. Earth is a finite resource and no technology in the foreseeable future will save us from ourselves.
dude, you looked so young back then. What happened to you? 😀
Mr. Malthus was wrong underestimating tech and everything, but he also didn't know that Bill Gates & friends come into the equation to mitigate the gap of his mistakes.
Are you able to share a bibliography with sources for the information presented in this video? Please, I would very much like to read. Thank you.
the future holds a quarter of the human population declining due to a virus out-break
i sence violence hunger and pain(not actully hunger i just said that to make it seem frightning)
who got the answers for the crash course questions
Who’s watching this in quarantine?
Commons got anything to do with common law?
Corona enters group
Malthus: Told ya!
2020 CoronaVirus 😷
Great video. Solar & battery future
Oh no
And unlike all the true theories
The human destroy the Planet
is this what happening now to our world?
Its much worst in the developing countries/emerging economies. For one the Philippines, it will suffer the most considering its limited resources.
been thinking about this theory since the Covid-19 virus was declared a pandemic