Hey everyone! See what life is like at Wishing Well Sanctuary for the rescued animals that call it home! See just some of the reasons sanctuaries are not the same as Zoos! Have you ever visited an Animal Sanctuary? What was your experience like? I’d love to hear from you, share in the comments below! 🙂
* Sadie (the white goat in the video) arrived to the sanctuary pregnant, and she just had her healthy baby boy a couple days after this video was filmed! 😀
Visit Wishing Well Sanctuary: http://www.wishingwellsanctuary.org/
Anne-Marie, “Eat Kind Be Strong”
Vegan Athlete – TaeKwonDo Black Belt, and Animal Rights Activist
My Website: http://www.MeatFreeAthlete.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/meatfreeathlete
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/meatfreeathlete
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SnapChat: meatfreeathlete
My Vegan Apparel: http://www.ShirtActivism.com
$1/order is donated to animal charities
#MeatFreeAthlete #Vegan #Animals #Cute #Rescue #Sanctuary #Happy #Healthy #AnimalRights #BoycottZoos
Every animal should be happy and safe!! Never abused or killed or eaten!! ANIMALS are my life I love them more than people.
They're all so sweet! 🙂 SO happy they are enjoying their precious lives!!!!
I'm country as Hell LOL I love to see things like this puts a smile on my face
omg too cute! 💗
I certainly wouldn't consider myself an ethical vegan, but I admit that this is heart warming.
Precious 💗 🙂 How can anyone eat beings that wag their tails? You definitely inspired me to check out something like this locally… if it ever stops raining!
They all look so happy!
It's soo great to see so-called "food animals" enjoying their lives as they should be.