This is the Full Un-edited Copy of the Pileup. It was released to the public by the Iowa DOT.
It was on Interstate 35 Northbound between Des moines and Ames. The pile up ended up with over 100 vehicles involved, including first responders, As seen in the video.
If you EVER find your self in this situation, Don’t do what they did and exit their vehicle. REMAIN in your car buckled in.
Thanks for watching, ~ G4R
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Just saw a video from the same highway getting another pile up a year later.
from this footage, it looks like everybody is driving toooooooo fast
I just can't get over how fast they are driving
Cars and trucks need devices that cut speed – electronically connected to outside temperature and visibility. This should be possible by now. Electronic Fascism. Otherwise, idiots will go on killing themselves and good drivers too.
A bunch of stupid 🙄 😒 drivers
ah hell nah, I aint slowin down nun
What sucks is you could be doing the right thing and going slow in the snow, have to stop at this pile up and some speeding in the snow asshole smashes you in the rear, I'd want to knock em the eff out.
Many speeding, lights off and then got out of their vehicles and standing where they could get hit. Come on, people! I know common sense isn't common any more, but geez.
Eu sairia da pista imediatamente
Velocidade alta para a neve …falta prudência aos motoristas..
people don't get it you would think they would slow down truck drivers are suppose to be professional drivers they are know different the only difference is he or she is in a truck not there car no excuse for ignorance slow down how hard is that
They lost their minds…knowing that the road condition and visibility was poor
I tell you what, people ALL over the country would NOT be speeding on a certain paved mountain pass in Colorado if they intelligence more than a toothpick!!! What and where you say this place is? US Highway 550 known as "Million Dollar Highway" going south from Ouray(pronounced U-RAY) to Silverton, Colorado. Going south from Ouray about 3 miles starts gorge that like 400 FEET down to your DEATH!!!. Most this mountain pass there's NO guardrails, because right to edge of the south bound lane it drops off into the Abyss. There's no room to put guardrails in there. If going off into the Abyss don't kill you, you may meet your demise from avalanches or rock slides. Oh I forgot to mention that this is in what is called the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado. YouTube has videos about this area at different seasons.
Okay, for you 4×4 off road Jeep's, and dirt bikes, etc driving guys & gals look videos using going around the the back country mountain roads. Examples of driving through Animas Forks Road 2019 avalanches and Corkscrew Gulch 2019 avalanche. You don't get this in Ohio, Florida, or wherever.
People slow down when the weather is bad!!!!
ennyi idiótát…nemhiába a világ leghülyébbjei vagytok….
This is exactly how all highways are in Illinois when it snows! Everyone goes 90mph because they’re f@&king professional drivers! SLOW DOWN PEOPLE! Our lives depend on it!!
Just totally amazing. Idiots on the loose. Just so pathetic.
I really feel bad for the drivers who were driving within the limits of visibility and road conditions. And rolled to a stop with no problems until the douchebag pos dumbasses came flying in and took them out. The two semi drivers who didn’t get stopped till they were off the road 200 ft past the end of the line should get prison time.
What I see are folks "strolling" from their vehicles…only to be SURPRISED that a car or truck is heading right for them… RUN!!!
Snow thinning out bad drivers making the road safer for the good drivers.
Idiots driving too fast for conditions, I doubt it reduced the stupidity gene pool any. Dumbassess.
Hmm let's see.. no headlights, driving too fast for conditions, the list goes on. No wonder there was a pileup.
What I've learned from this (as I already use my headlights in even slightly dim conditions in winter, and always slow down even for rain, and look waaaay ahead especially on the bloody highway), is that when you see a pileup ahead, don't just slow and stop – if there is any room on either side of the road, pull as far off the road as you possibly can because otherwise you are in danger of being hit from behind.
I am amazed how fast the cas are traveling in very bad conditions .don't they look far ahead.where is their experience .complacency is a factor . it will be OK. not me attitude. Keith. Australia
Republicans and Democrats. What followers they are. smh
Drive like they are in RUSSIA! Oh that's right according to TRUMPTY we might as well be!!
To all those who say: "Stay in your vehicle"
Those Trucks were moving/sliding at least 500 feet after they passed the first wrecked cars.
That is killing power.
Be careful out there.
Absolute thick headed morons not adjusting their speed to circumstances.
Suppose all Americans must be ' Baby Fed ' even when grown up.
Can I please have the name of the music playing in the video ?! I love it ! Thank You in advance.
thinning out the herd of mutant drivers!
Well that's what happens when you speed in bad weather.
Speed Kills ! Slow Down People ! And Be Smart, Turn Your Lights On When Driving In Snow Or Rain. Drive with your Full Lights On, Not just running lights because they only light up the front of some cars. With full lights on It will turn on all lights in your car including the rear ones, that way people coming up from behind you may see you somewhat better. Just my opinion and Please Buckle Up and don't exit car until safe to do so. I have lived In a snow state for 55 Years so I think my advice could help someone i hope.
Spare me the music. This isn't a joke. Slow the fuck down. Dummies!