They Challenge Him To A Street Fight For $500, Not Aware He’s A Badass Fighter.
This channel do recap movies like cinema summary, nerd explains, movie recaps, story recapped, movie recapped, mystery recapped, mr brain junkie, man of recapped, Detective recapped, detective recaps, daniel cc, thriller, sci fi, movie review, Movies Under 10 minutes, recap king, movies in minutes, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, horror, Netflix, dead meat, popcorn in bed, but I try to recap movies that other channels haven’t recapped in english with other subtitles languages.
I try to have their story recapped in a brief and enjoyable way and have their main details explained to you in case you missed it! I try to recap/summarize them in under 12 minutes for your entertainment. If you like this movie recaps channel, how I organize the movies to have their story recapped, my channel and what I do, please press the like button and subscribe to help this channel grow.
Note: We create videos to encourage people to watch these hidden gems of entertainment. The purpose of this video is to describe the film from our own perspective. For a better explanation, we incorporated a majority of video excerpts from the movie in the explanation. All credit for the video clips used in this explanation goes to the film’s copyright owners.
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Tags: US Recap, detective recapped, Movie summary, Movie Recap, sci fi movies, sci fi review, sci fi summary, movie review, movie summary, Movies Under 10 minutes, recap king, true story, science fiction movie, action movie movie trailer, horror movie review, full movie, Daniel, trailer, daniel CC, Daniel CC movie review, Netflix, Story Recapped, Story, Recapped, Story Recapped Movie review, Story Recapped Explained, Story Recapped Channel, Movie Recapped, Movie recaps, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, movie on, Pink Movies, Mystery recapped, drama, action, actionmovie, badass movie,
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Wait.. Machete Cortez? Like.. Spy Kids Machete Cortez???
Great movie
Always liked Trejo. 👍👍
Reminds me of the Shaft movies from the 1970's with all the dumb fallguy white guys doin the evil stuff.
👇 A bad actor?
I have the DVD Gota love Danny Trejo
ayo wtf the hole movie is just satire
Yeah it looks that way. But after watching, it's not! A lot of people agree! Lol
This reminds me of a real life version of the 1930's movie where all the actors in the movie want to put on a play.
Finally a movie showing Steven Segal as the not so good guy that he really is.
Seagal and DeNiro in the same movie 😂😂😂 how’d I miss this
And he gets to bone Jessica man what a world
HAIRS AMAZING…!!! alohas AND dabzzzZZZZ…!!! $500 DALLLORS…MEOW
I liked this summary but it confirms my problem with movie. I wont be watching it.
This movie was awesome.
good movie
Great flicks my brother hope you make a thousand more
Thanks for the recap. Boy, this looks like a waste of film.
I get it tongue and cheek, but its not…a reminder of why Hollywood sucks